Monday, April 21, 2014

Natural Treatments for Hepatitis C

What I've noticed over the years is that I get a run of cases with the same disease in a short period of time. Last month I saw lots of clients with Multiple Sclerosis (or the misdiagnosis of same.) We learned about the low-fat Swank diet and all the drugs used to treat this particular disease process.

This month I had a run of Hepatitis C clients. They each had contracted the disease differently, but none-the-less, their lives have been permanently shifted from this terrible disease which is seemingly not curable. The common thread that assisted these clients was that each person had to make some lifestyle changes (a permanent lifestyle choice that was healthier than they were living.) Stressing the optimal amounts of raw fruits/vegetables is always a staple in my programs--especially the dark green ones in hepatitis cases, but we also centered on the liver.

So let's review hepatitis C and natural treatments for it.

Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver (Hepato is the root word for liver and anything ending in "itis" means inflammation.) Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the many viruses that can cause inflammation of the liver. Other causes are irritation to the liver from alcohol, bacterial infections, drugs, and cancer. At least 75% of people infected with hepatitis C develop chronic hepatitis C which can be progressive and fatal. Once you have it, you will need to find ways to keep it under control. This disease never completely goes away. However, my clients have had very good luck with alternative medicine treatments for hepatitis C, but they work at it and stick with a good program.

About 4 million people in the United States have antibodies to HCV, meaning they have been infected with the virus at some point. Half of these people don't even know they have it. All forms of viral hepatitis are contagious.

The most common way hepatitis C is passed is through direct contact with blood. Drug users often have this disease because they re-use and share needles. Needles, and before 1992 prior to the blood test which became available to test for the virus, transfusions, organ transplants, and hemodialysis have all been vehicles for transferring the virus, but I have known people to warn others not to even drink out of the same cup as they are drinking out of, so it could also be passed through saliva.

Childbirth, sexual intercourse and accidental needle sticks (most common in nurses and the human medical field) are also less common causes of transmission. Sharing toiletry items is another way of passing the virus (e.g. razors and nail clippers.)

Symptoms and Signs of Hepatitis: Eighty percent of people infected with Hepatitis C do not have symptoms. Symptoms may also be mild and come and go over the lifetime of the patient. Less frequently, the patient will come down with an acute case of hepatitis with full-blown symptoms.

Symptoms typically occur 5-12 weeks after being exposed to the virus and may last for weeks to months and include: liver pain (on the right side just under the rib cage area), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, dark colored urine, gray or clay colored stools, irritability, confusion, and headaches (due to dehydration from chronic diarrhea.) Chronic hepatitis often leads to cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis is where healthy liver tissue is taken over by scar tissue. When this happens, the liver loses its ability to detoxify the blood.

Additional symptoms at this time include fluid retention (especially below the rib cage in the belly area), jaundice (also called icterus which is a yellowing of the skin seen most obviously in the whites of the eyes), chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, itchy skin, weight loss (wasting disease), vomiting now with blood in it (so it could look like coffee grounds) and finally hepatic encephalopathy characterized by hallucinations.

When the liver is sick, we see diseases like high cholesterol, high triglycerides, hemorrhoids, cancer, allergies, varicose veins and lots of anger and resentments.

I don't know which comes first in these types of cases; anger causing the liver-based diseases or liver-based diseases resulting in anger. The good thing is that we have LOTS of options on how to overcome these challenges and it doesn't really matter where you start as long as you start and keep at it.

My favorite treatments for hepatitis include:

1. Raw fruits/veggies (especially dark green foods, bitter vegetables, red fruits, and beets.)

2. Barfy Green Stuff (or some other green food--it really doesn't matter too much what you choose.

3. Drink plenty of filtered, chorine and fluoride free water to stay hydrated.

4. Exercise, but don't overdo it. Walking is wonderful--especially on a consistent schedule.

5. Homeopathics specifically to bind and excrete the Hepatitis virus (I use Professional Health Formulations Hepatitis Nosode Drops.)

6. Emotional release work (to help dislodge the Emotional Cysts in the liver.)

7. Herbs to support the liver as needed including but not limited to: Milk Thistle (Also Called Silymarin), Burdock Root, Safflower, Licorice, Green Tea, Dandelion, Artichoke, Cordyceps Mushroom, Turmeric, and Peppers. Note: It's important to take what your body needs but not more than it needs. The body has to process everything put into it. If there is extra, the liver has to work to get it out of the system.

8. Evaluation of current lifestyle habits and suggestions to decrease toxification.

9. Rebuilding of the cells with a Glandular/protomorphogen (I love Livaplex by Standard Process Labs(TM))

10. Abstinence from all alcohol products and any kind of drug that is processed through the liver (Tylenol, NSAIDS, some pain killers, and lots of other drugs are processed through the liver--ask your pharmacist and doctor about anything you put into your mouth!)

11. Work on relieving all anger and resentment issues in your life and dove-tail in forgiveness work. Anger and resentments are stored in the liver.

12. Managing liver-associated diseases: allergies, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, glaucoma and cancer.

13. Eliminating metaphors from your vocabulary having to do with anger, hatred, resentment, and being galled and stubborn.

Self-forgiveness seems to be one common obstacle to overcome in these particular cases. It is most important to understand that there was a reason why they contracted the disease, it taught them valuable lessons, but now it's time to come to a resolution and move onto a healthier way of being.

Life is a journey. The challenges we have are a Gift from God. What we do with those challenges are our gift to Him. If we focus on the similarities instead of how we feel ostracized and alienated, we find that all in all, we want the same be loved, understood and valued. I believe that this is what life is all about.

Dog Stress Diarrhea FAQ's

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about dog stress diarrhea, its causes, and how to treat it:

Q. What is dog stress diarrhea, and how do I know if my dog has it?

A. Dog stress diarrhea is the presence of excessive amounts of loose, watery stools, with an emotional cause. Getting stressed out can cause your pet to exhibit some physical signs of anxiety, and diarrhea is one of them. Things like moving to a new home, the arrival of a new pet or baby, or even a prolonged thunderstorm can trigger a round of diarrhea in your dog.

Q. Could my dog have diarrhea from something other than stress?

A. Your dog may have stress diarrhea, or he may have something else entirely. Dogs can suffer from diarrhea for any number of reasons, including:

* Overeating

* Eating "people" food

* Eating non-food items

* Virus or other illness

* Bacteria (possibly from drinking unclean water)

* Worms or other parasites

* Intestinal issues

* Side Effect of medication

Q. How is dog stress diarrhea treated?

A. Your dog's treatment will depend on his diagnosis, age, and overall health, and what you suspect the cause of his diarrhea is. If you know Fido got into the garbage yesterday, then today's bout of diarrhea was probably caused by this excursion. Offer him plenty of water, and put him on a carefully balanced, bland diet for a day or so. Offer small amounts of boiled chicken and white rice in place of his regular food. Dog stress diarrhea can be improved with diet, but the most effective treatment is removing or treating the source of the stress.

Q. What else will help?

A. If you are certain your pet is not sick, and hasn't ingested anything he shouldn't, he may be suffering from stress diarrhea. If you can determine the cause of his anxiety, you can help him cope with it better. You can also provide him with a gentle and affective homeopathic remedy designed to calm his anxiety and even out his mood. These products are safe and gentle enough to use on dogs of all ages and sizes, and do not have harmful side effects.

Q. When should my dog be seen by a vet?

A. Your dogs stress diarrhea could have a medical cause, so you should take him to the vet if you are worried, or if you suspect he is ill. If your dog is very young, very old, or one of the smaller breeds, keep a close eye on him. These pets are most vulnerable to dehydration. If you suspect your dog is becoming dehydrated, then a visit to the vet is warranted.

Probiotics Information And Side Effects

There are a few side effects associated with probiotics. The side effects have not really been scientifically studied so it is hard to say if some side effects are more common than other side effects while using probiotics. It is reported that side effects are a rare occurrence when taking probiotics.

Abdominal discomfort is one of the most common side effects that is reported when using probiotics. People sometimes report feeling bloating after taking probiotics. Bloating happens when the digestive process produces excess gas. Feeling extremely full is a sign of bloating. Pain in the abdominal region is another side effect that users report while using probiotics. People need to see their doctor if they experience any kind of abdominal discomfort after they use the supplement.

Not only are abdominal pains and bloating some reported side effects but headaches are also commonly reported side effects of using probiotics. People who suffer from headaches after using probiotics should lower their dosage. Some people say that their headaches go away once their body becomes used to taking the probiotics supplement. People should contact their doctor if their headaches do not get better over time or if the headaches become severe.

Some reports of probiotics say that a small number of people should not take the supplement because they could become more prone to catching infections, mainly fungal infections. Sometimes the infections can happen more often due to the immune system being compromised. Intestinal infections are other types of infections that can occur as a result of taking probiotics. Anybody who gets symptoms of infection after taking the supplement should call their doctor.

Diarrhea has been reported as one of the side effects of using probiotics. Diarrhea has not been a commonly reported side effect and probiotics are also used to treat diarrhea.

Skin rashes are rare when using probiotics supplements but rashes have been reported in some cases.

A person who experiences any abnormal changes in their body after taking probiotics should contact their doctor and make an appointment to see them.

Side effects are quite rare when using probiotics but they do happen once in a while.

Probiotics Supplements

Probiotics supplements are sold in many different places. A lot of probiotics supplements come in pill form but sometimes the supplements come in liquid form too but pill form is the most common form the probiotics come in. Powder form is also a popular form that it comes in. The powder is simply stirred into a drink such as water and then consumed by drinking it.

Probiotics supplements are made by many manufacturers. Research on companies and manufacturers of probiotics is needed when a person decides to buy the supplement because some probiotic supplements may be better than others as some manufacturers may use slightly different ingredients than other manufacturers.

Many manufacturers will make their own recommendations on when to take the probiotics supplements. However, most companies recommend taking probiotics supplements before breakfast with a glass of water. After taking it, a person should wait around twenty minutes before eating because this will help a person get the full benefits of the supplement. The probiotics supplements should not be taken within three hours of consuming an antibiotic.

Almost every single company will recommend taking probiotics right around meal time, most likely breakfast time.

Side effects are usually mild but there are rare cases where the supplement has been linked to major side effects.

Probiotics Benefits

There are many positive benefits of taking probiotics. There are some reports that say that one of the benefits of consuming probiotics is an enhanced immune system response. Sometimes antibiotics can cause negative side effects but probiotics can reduce those negative side effects.

A lot of people experience colon inflammation after a surgery. Probiotics actually helps treating the inflammation as well as preventing it.

Eczema is a nuisance for many people but youths can take measures to prevent eczema. Eczema is a nasty rash that can cause severe itching. The skin condition is something that is very hard to treat. However, one of the measures that can be taken to treat eczema is probiotics supplements. Eczema prevention is one of the benefits of taking it.

Another benefit of probiotics is that a person can expect to digest food better because their ability to digest food will increase.

The overall immune system gets enhanced too and this acts as a therapeutic for viral tract infections.

Lactose intolerance is reduced when taking probiotics. Incidents of vaginitis, yeast infections and candidiasis are also reduced when taking the probiotics supplements. Women love taking it because of these benefits. Many women do not know how to effectively reduce incidents of yeast infections and vaginitis and taking probiotics is one of the best things to take to reduce such incidents.

Probiotics also help with bad breathe. Bad breathe is a very common problem among many people. Bad breathe causes thousands and thousands of people embarrassment and shame. Many do not know how to battle bad breathe. There are way too many remedies out there that claim they battle bad breathe but often people are let down by such products making such claims. However, many people believe that the best remedy for bad breathe are probiotics supplements. There are many reports out there that show that probiotics work very well in preventing and even curing bad breathe.

Probiotics may help with preventing cavities. Preventing cavities is something that many people try to do. Brushing teeth and using mouthwash are both great ways to prevent cavities but taking probiotics is possibly another way to prevent cavities. There are not a lot of studies out there to back up the claims but many people do believe the good bacteria can prevent cavities. There is a small amount of studies that do claim certain strains of probiotics can prevent cavities.

Probiotics are also great for digestive disorders. Digestive disorders such as IBS, diarrhea and constipation are some common forms of digestive disorders. These disorders are uncomfortable and can cause a person to feel a lot of abdominal pain. A lot of people feel helpless when they suffer from digestive disorder symptoms. However, probiotics alleviates disorders such as diarrhea, IBS and constipation. The benefits are usually noticed shortly after consumption. Many elderly people seem to have issues with constipation and this is why they love the benefits of taking probiotics. A lot of elderly believe that the symptoms of constipation are reduced shortly after taking the probiotics supplements.

There are a lot of men and women who encounter bladder infections. Bladder infections can be treated with different types of medicines but the treatments may not always be effective. People who suffer or experience bladder infections frequently should give probiotics a try because there are many studies out there that show they are effective at relieving symptoms of bladder infections and sometimes even curing them too. Men and women have reported positive improvements in bladder infections' symptoms shortly after taking probiotics.

There are some studies out there that show that probiotics promote healthy bacteria in the colon. This is great news but it is amazing news for men because a lot of men suffer from problems relating to the colon but probiotics help lower the conversion of bile into carcinogens in the colon. Colon cancer is one of the leading cause of deaths in men.

Probiotics increases the availability of vitamin K as well as fatty acids and lactase. They also produces very important enzymes.

Allergies affects millions of people all over the world. Allergies are sometimes hard to deal with. However, there is some good news for people who suffer from mild or severe allergies. A lot of people find that taking probiotics help relieve allergy symptoms.

Chronic fatigue suffers also can feel the benefits. One of the benefits of the probiotics supplements is that it helps relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue. People find themselves more energized and able to stay awake more shortly after consuming probiotics.

Nutrients such as vitamin B and calcium are affected by probiotics. Vitamin B is easier to synthesize because the supplements increases the ability to do so. Calcium is also absorbed easier because probiotics increases the ability to absorb calcium.

Cholesterol is something that affects all types of people and sometimes lowering it can be a difficult task. Probiotics actually can lower cholesterol in people. There have been many people who have said that their cholesterol have been lowered as a result of taking probiotics. Reducing blood pressure is another claim that is made by quite a few people who take probiotics.

Parasites are also something that a lot of men and women have to deal with. Some parasites can be harmful to the body and cause serious problems. Not only are probiotics good for types of fungal problems but they are also good for treating people with parasites and can sometimes prevent people from getting parasites. Parasites are often eliminated completely soon after consuming probiotics supplements or food with probiotics in them.

Stress is something that almost all people deal with. It does not matter how old somebody is or what their sex or race is, stress is something that is unavoidable at times. There are people who suffer from stress more than others and they find it hard to relax and relieve stress. Although there are not many studies about the positive benefits that probiotics have on people who deal with stress, there are a few studies that say probiotics actually help people who suffer from stress. Some foods and probiotics supplements boosts peoples' overall moods and helps them cope with stress a lot easier.

Probiotics Yogurt

The good bacteria is also found in yogurt. Different strains of the good bacteria are found in different yogurts. This means that all yogurts are not created equal when it comes to probiotics. Some strains of the bacteria are considered to be more beneficial than others, so it is important to read the labels on yogurt carefully. Read on and find out the different types of strains that are found in some types of yogurts. Almost all yogurts have some form or amounts of probiotics in them. However, probiotic yogurts have many more beneficial probiotics in them, and this is why they are called probiotic yogurts.

One of the most popular strains of the bacteria is Lactobacillus GG (or LGG) and it is found in many yogurts. LGG in yogurt has been shown to help people reduce the effects of diarrhea and atopic eczema in kids. LGG is also shown to reduce illness in kids who attend day care. LGG is the most studied strain of probiotics and is thought to have the most benefits. This is why LGG is found in many yogurts. Bifildobacterium is another strain that is commonly found in yogurts. Both of the strains are similar to good bacteria that is found naturally within the body.

There are many different brands of probiotic yogurts. Before discussing the types of brands who market probiotic yogurts, lets discuss how safe these types of yogurts are. Side effects of consuming probiotics were discussed earlier in the first paragraph and some of those side effects can occur due to eating probiotic yogurts. Read on and find out what possible side effects can occur from eating probiotic yogurts.

Although rare, bloating and gas is a reported side effect of eating probiotic yogurts. Bloating and gas are the two side effects that are most commonly reported after consuming probiotic yogurts. Gene transfer is another side effect that sometimes occur due to eating probiotic yogurts. Unhealthy metabolic activities is another side effect that is sometimes due to eating the yogurts. Sometimes another ingredient in the yogurt could be the cause of certain side effects and not the probiotics causing the side effects. A person should see a doctor if they experience any severe side effects or side effects that don't go away within two or three weeks.

Now lets discuss the different types of yogurt brands that have probiotic yogurts on the market today and what kind of reputation they have. Activia is considered to be the most popular brand that makes probiotic yogurts. Activia products contain bifildobacterium. Activia is said to improve digestive health and is considered to be a functional food. The brand has a wide selection of probiotic yogurts to choose from and can be found at virtually any grocery store. The brand of yogurt is available in more than thirty countries including the UK, Russia, United States and France just to name a few.

Yoplait is a very popular brand that produces probiotic yogurts. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are the two main live microorganisms that Yoplait uses in their probiotic yogurts. Yoplait is not quite as popular as Activia is but many people do claim to experience great benefits in regards to their digestive system. Yoplait is said to be one of the best yogurts with probiotics in it because hundreds of people have claimed that Yoplait yogurts have helped their digestive system as well as making their bowels regular. Yoplait is very popular among the elderly and kids.

Stonyfield is a producer of probiotic yogurts too. The company creates some of the best selling probiotic yogurts in the United States. Their yogurts contain a few types of probiotics and there are a lot of positive reviews about the yogurts that the company makes. Stonyfield is very popular for a reason and one of the main reasons is that the benefits people feel are extraordinary. The company also uses many natural ingredients in their products and they are strong believers in using organic ingredients in all of their products.

Gerber is also a good brand that produces probiotic yogurts. Gerber has many different types of yogurts but all of the yogurts are rather healthy. Gerber has yogurts specifically made for toddlers, infants, women, pregnant women and more. The yogurts are packed with beneficial probiotics. The yogurts are popular among all types of people. Gerber is known for producing quality probiotic yogurts and they can be found in stores all over the world. The brand is known for producing yogurts that do not cost a lot of money to purchase. There are a lot of positive reviews about the yogurts that Gerber produces.

When it comes to probiotics in yogurts, some of the best ones can be found in the yogurts that Nature Valley produces. The company makes great tasting yogurts that are filled with quality probiotics. People who want to improve their digestive systems love Nature Valley yogurts because the yogurts can do just that.

EasiYo is a company that a lot of people have not heard of but the company is one of the best companies that make yogurts. They have a large line of probiotic yogurts. The yogurts are known for having a rich thick taste as well as a smooth taste. The probiotics in EasiYo yogurts help regulate bowel movements and are great for the digestive system. A lot of people say that they can feel the benefits of eating the yogurt shortly after consuming them. The probiotic yogurts that EasiYo has are also high in calcium and protein. The yogurts are affordable too and can be found all over the world.

Probiotics Brands

There are tons of probiotics brands on the market today. Some brands are better and more well known than other brands. Knowing which brands to get probiotics from is very important. Some probiotic brands have better probiotics than other brands. Choosing the right brand can help a person get the most benefits from the probiotics. Lets discuss some of the top probiotics brands on the market, so a person can make a wise decision when they want to get their hands on a brand that has the best probiotics in their products.

Align is one of the top probiotics brands on the market today. Align has capsules available. The capsules are taken just once a day. A person can expect to be able to build and maintain a healthy digestive system when they take the probiotics from Align. The capsule that Align has is very easy to swallow and it does not take long to start feeling the benefits of the supplement. Most people who take probiotics from Align start to feel and see the benefits just a few weeks after starting the supplement. A lot of people also say that they feel less stressed out while they take probiotics from Align. It is very easy to see why Align is one of the best probiotics brands on the market. The brand produces quality products that are affordable. The brand has also received a lot of positive feedback from many satisfied customers.

Activia is one of the most popular probiotics brands. Their major product line is a line of yogurts with probiotics in them. Activia offers customers many different types of flavors. The brand's yogurts contain quite a bit of probiotics and they have yogurts that all kinds of people will like. Young and old love the benefits that the yogurts Activia produces offers them. People usually have to eat two or three yogurts a day to start feeling the positive benefits of the probiotics in the yogurts. The company's yogurts are inexpensive and the brand has yogurts in stores all over the world. It is no secret why Activia has a solid reputation for creating quality yogurts that contain many good probiotics.

Florastor is considered by many to be one of the top probiotics brands. Florastor is another brand that produces a probiotics capsule which is extremely easy to take. The pill is easy to swallow. A person may not want to swallow the pill, and if that's the case, then they can even crush the pill and place the powder in their food. The capsule is taken just once a day. Florastor is unique because it does not take long to feel the benefits of the brand's probiotics. Kids can also take the brand's product. The product can be mixed with liquid and given to kids. Kids as young as two months old can also take Florastor's products. There are many benefits of taking Florastor and many people experience benefits in as little as two weeks. A lot of customers say that they feel healthier after being on Florastor's product for just a few weeks. Many customers report being in better moods, feeling stronger, taking regular bowel movements and suffer from less indigestion after taking probiotics from Florastor. The brand can be found at many pharmacies throughout the world and the product is very affordable.

Garden For Life produces quite a few products with probiotics in them. Garden For Life has products that are meant just for kids, women and even men. The products are designed to offer the best benefits to men, women and kids in a short about of time. Just one capsule a day is all that is needed in order to start feeling the benefits of what the probiotics have to offer. The Garden For Life probiotics supplement is not only easy to take but the formula is very healthy for people. Customers claim that the probiotics by Garden For Life helps them with their immune system, bowel movements and overall moods, just to name some of the benefits they experience. The brand offers other products but one of the most popular probiotics product they have is called Primal Defense, which is a capsule. The capsule also contains other important nutrients that the body needs and should have. The company also has a powder, which is great for people who do not want to take a probiotic in pill form. Garden For Life is a reputable company and they have more happy customers than unhappy ones.

Nutraelle claims that their products deliver over one billion beneficial bacteria to their customers' intestinal flora. The company recommends that a person takes one pill a day in order to start reaping the benefits of the supplement. One capsule a day is suppose to help improve a person's immune system and even help people with diarrhea and help people who have constipation. The supplement is very easy to take and many people consider Natraelle's supplement to be much better than yogurt when it comes to providing them with probiotics. Vegetarians also love to take the company's probiotics supplements because the product does not contain any gelatin. There is also no calories in the supplement, which is good news for people who carefully watch their calorie intake. The product also does not contain sugar or sodium.

Culturelle is one of the most popular probiotics brands out there because they have affordable products and their products are known to work very well. Culturelle offers customers an easy to take capsule that is taken just once a day. Just like other brands out there, Culturelle has capsules that are specifically made for men, women and even kids. Many customers feel benefits such as a healthier digestive systems, stronger immune system, healthier bowel movements and more. Culturelle supplements are usually a big hit with people of all ages and sexes.

Puritan's Pride is a probiotic brand that has been around for many years. Puritan's Pride produces some of the most affordable probiotics on the market today. The brand is known for only using quality ingredients that are needed, and they avoid using any unnecessary ingredients. The brand offers a few supplements to customers, as well as a chewable tablet that is very easy to take. There are many positive reviews about the brand.

Threelac is one of the most prominent probiotic brands. The brand produces probiotics that comes in the form of a powder. The flavor is a fruit flavor and is mixed in water or even food. The product is great for kids too because sometimes kids do not like to take capsules. Threelac has three important probiotics that are resistant to acid in the stomach. The product helps people maintain a healthy immune system and helps people with their digestive system. The brand's product may not be considered cheap in price but the product is a high quality product.

Dr. Ohhira's probiotics are named after himself and he created his probiotic brand using fermentation techniques used in Japan. The probiotics have won many different types of awards. Twelve beneficial strains are used in Dr. Ohhira's probiotics, and one of the strains is E. faecalis TH which is considered to be one of the strongest types of bacteria. The capsules are easy to take and only one capsule a day is needed. A lot of customers claim that they feel relief from heartburn and other digestion problems shortly after taking the capsules. The supplements are very affordable and are known all over the world.

Yakult is a great company that produces a probiotic formula that was created after a great deal of research was done. The product is a beverage that a person consumes once a day. The brand sells their beverage in many different countries and the beverage also contains an exclusive strain of bacteria. The brand's beverage is great for men, kids and even women. Yakult's beverage tastes great, is affordable and very easy to consume. Many customers say that the brand's beverage tastes excellent and works very well. The brand is popular among many different types of people. Yakult has many positive reviews about their product.

Probiotics Foods

There are many different types of probiotics foods out there. A lot of people are not aware of what types of foods have probiotics in them. Some foods are very common and then there are foods that people may not have even heard of. Lets discuss some of the foods that have probiotics in them and which foods people should be eating or at least try for a few weeks.

One of the best foods to eat that has probiotics in it is Natto. Fermented soybeans is what is used to make Natto. The food has bacillus subtilis in it. Natto has a distinguished taste to it but the beans are easy to chew and swallow, although the beans are a little bit sticky. Natto is very high in protein and is also high in vitamin K. Natto provides many different types of benefits, including benefits that have already been talked about previously in this article. The food is inexpensive and can be found at Asian stores worldwide. Many other types of stores may have the food but Asian stores are commonly the stores that sell the food.

Kimchi has lactobacillus kimchii and other probiotics in it. The food is beneficial to peoples' immune system, intestinal health and bowel movements. The food is typically used as a condiment. Kimchi can be bought at a lot of specialty stores located throughout the world. A lot of people actually make their very own Kimchi but it is very inexpensive to buy. Customers love the food because it tastes great and the benefits are amazing. The largest exporter of Kimchi is Japan but is more of a Korean dish.

Miso is a food with probiotics and is a seasoning that is used in many Japanese dishes. The food is fermented with a wide range of ingredients such as soybeans, brown rice and barley. Miso is said to have a buttery taste to it but very easy to consume. Miso is available worldwide and is very cheap to buy. Miso is great for overall health and is very high in vitamin B12.

Yogurt was already discussed earlier on but almost all yogurts have probiotics in them. Yogurts are sold all over the world and there are many different types of yogurts available to people. Yogurt is one of the most commonly consumed food with probiotics in them.

Tempeh is high in protein and is easy to eat. Tempeh can be eaten cooked or uncooked but usually people boil it. The food is derived from soybeans that are fermented. The food originates from Indonesia. The food kind of resembles a cake. Tempeh is sometimes stirred into veggies too. Tempeh is also eaten as a meatless burger too. The food is inexpensive and can be found in many supermarkets throughout the world. It is also available at many different health stores too.

Kefir is another great probiotics food. It has a similar texture to yogurt and can be bought in many different supermarkets. Fermented grains and goat milk make up Kefir. Not only does Kefir contain probiotics but it is also a great source for antioxidants. It tastes great and is inexpensive, and that is why the food is extremely popular among people.

When it comes to healthy food, many do not consider chocolate as being a source of healthy nutrients. However, dark chocolate actually has probiotics in them. Dark chocolate actually has quite a few probiotics in them and has more probiotics than a lot of dairy based products. There are many different types of dark chocolate and it can be bought almost everywhere and anywhere throughout many stores worldwide.

Microalgae is a food that is not known to many people. Microalgae refers to plants that are ocean based, such as blue-green algae. The food is popular and has a unique taste to it.

Pickles are not something that is often considered healthy, let alone a good source for probiotics. Pickles are actually an excellent source of probiotics and they can be found and bought at many places. A lot of people also make their own pickles. Pickles provide people with many benefits that can have a positive impact on their health. Pickles also taste very good and they do not cost a lot of money to buy.

Cheese tastes good and can be used on many different types of foods. Cheese is often used on cheeseburgers, ham sandwiches and eaten alone. Cheese is a great source of probiotics. However, aged cheese is the best type of cheese to eat when one wants a good source of probiotics. There are different types of cheese but most cheese provides people with the benefits that probiotics are known for. Cheese can help a person maintain a healthy immune system as well as help with diarrhea.

Many types of beans, especially soybeans, have good amount of probiotics in them. Beans are consumed by many people around the world and are very common. Beans can be served alone or on top of foods. Beans are beneficial to people with irregular bowel movements because beans are extremely beneficial for bowel movements, thanks to the probiotics in them. A lot of elderly and kids love beans because of how easy they are to swallow and most beans have a taste that is easy to get use to. Anybody who wants to feel the benefits of probiotics should get their hands on some beans.

Traditional sourdough breads are an excellent source of probiotics. Grains are also good for probiotics and cereals with grains in it are some of the best sources for probiotics. Cereals that are grain based are often eaten by kids because of the other nutrients that are found in them. However, the probiotics in grain cereals provide kids and adults many great benefits. People often feel better, less stressed out and have regular bowel movements when they consume grain cereals on a daily basis. Grain cereals can be bought in virtually any supermarket throughout the world. The cereals containing probiotics are inexpensive and easy to find.

Knowing the Difference Between Hemorrhoid Pain and the Discomfort of Anal Fissures

There is a difference between the discomfort caused by anal fissures and hemorrhoid pain and symptoms.

And when you are feeling discomfort, it is important to find out which type you are suffering from, as to not undergo the incorrect treatment.

Anal fissures are a tear in the anal opening which can be caused by a hard bowel movement, constipation, or after explosive diarrhea.

These can be quite painful, especially for every bowel movement after wards because the rip would continue to be stretched.

You will notice streaks of blood in on the toilet paper or bleeding stools. Most (over 90 percent) of anal fissures can be healed without surgery.

To help stop fissures from happening again, it is recommended that you increase the fiber in your diet, by eating more fresh fruits and vegies, drink plenty of water and get some regular exercise or thing else to promote soft stools.

To ease the pain of an anal fissure you can sit in a warm bath for about fifteen minutes two to three times a day. Normal pain relievers like Tylenol and Ibuprofen can also help ease the discomfort too. Sometimes, special cortisone creams will be prescribed.

Hemorrhoids are common in both men and woman. They are most likely to develop during pregnancy and if you are overweight, or over the age of 40.

A hemorrhoid is basically an enlarged varicose vein of the anus. These veins can also get enlarged during hard bowel movements.

However, straining the pelvic muscles and severe constipation can also cause the veins to swell. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external.

Internal hemorrhoids are not visible and are normally not painful, but can cause bleeding and discomfort is some cases.

External hemorrhoids however can be very irritating and painful and can cause bleeding, itching and swelling. A lump around the anus may also be visible. If you have hemorrhoids, it is extremely important to try to find a suitable hemorrhoid cure and soon as possible, before your condition worsens.

A hemorrhoid cure is similar to anal fissure treatments: warm baths, high fiber, drinking plenty of water and moderate exercise, etc.

How to get fast, temporary hemorrhoid relief? - There are many conventional and home remedies that can be used to help ease hemorrhoid pain, in the short term.

Some Hemorrhoid Relief Solutions include:- Creams and ointments, medicated wipes and pads, hemorrhoid pills, oral pain killers (avoid codeine as this promotes constipation), warm baths, hemorrhoid cushions.

Please be aware that these are only meant as a quick solution to the problem and you should still take the correct action and find a permanent hemorrhoid cure asap.

A good start would be to improve your diet, drinking plenty of water, losing weight (if you are overweight) and getting regular exercise.

In the mean time, researching what options are available for curing hemorrhoids permanently would also be very wise, as this condition is very treatable using the correct method.

If after reading this article you do not have hemorrhoids or anal fissures and you still experience anal bleeding, it is very important to get your condition checked by your doctor.

Breastfeeding - The Best Option For Your Baby

If you have a baby, breastfeeding is definitely the best way to feed. It has numerous advantages over bottle feeding and hardly any disadvantages. Over 1 million babies die each year as a result of being fed formula!

Breast milk provides the perfect nutrients that your baby needs and even protects them from illnesses. Studies have found that infants who were breast fed have much lower rates of ear infections, rashes, diarrhea, allergies, hospital admissions and other medical problems than babies that were fed formula.

Infant formula is made from cow's milk but the problem with this is that it contains a different type of protein than human milk does and also doesn't contain the right nutrients that babies need. Human infants have trouble digesting this protein and as a result they are usually much fatter than breast fed babies. Human milk has at least 100 ingredients that aren't found in formula.

When a mother breastfeeds her child, her antibodies are also transferred to the baby. This protects the baby from diseases and illnesses such as pneumonia, bronchitis, botulism, influenza, staphylococcal infections, measles and ear infections. Around eighty percent of the cells in breast milk are cells that kill viruses, bacteria and fungi!

Unlike bottle feeding, breastfeeding makes the mother cuddle her baby closely numerous times each day. The infant will get a sense of security from this and will form a better attachment with the mother. Nursing is a source of comfort and warmth to a baby.

Also, if you breastfeed, you won't need to buy expensive formulas. When your baby starts crying you won't have to go warm up a bottle because the food is ready all the time. Breastfeeding even uses up calories in the mother which makes it much easier to lose weight after pregnancy.

There are some cases in which you should not breastfeed. If you are HIV positive, you should not nurse your baby because this virus can pass through the milk. Some other illnesses that can be transmitted to your baby are hepatitis, herpes and beta streptococcus infections. If you have one of these illnesses talk to your doctor before breastfeeding.

If you are going to breastfeed, you should be aware that is can be painful when you first start doing it. Also, your nipples may get sore, cracked, or engorged. You will need to nurse regularly or your breasts will get very uncomfortable because of being so full. You will be much more tied to your baby than a mother that feeds formula.

Once you have your baby, you should breastfeed as soon as possible, preferably within an hour of delivery. You won't be producing milk yet then but you will have colostrums which is a fluid that contains antibodies to diseases. Newborn babies need to be nursed at least every two hours. Once they get older they will settle into a more regular schedule.

If you are a new parent you will certainly want to give your baby the best you can. Breast milk is how you can do this. It contains everything your baby needs and will make him much happier and healthier.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Can Green Tea Pills Taken Alone Improve Your Health? Find Out Now

Green tea pills may address two of the five main causes of chronic illness and aging, in general. In addition to the health benefits of green tea, you might also want nutrients that address those three other causes.

We are learning more and more about how "poor" nutrition contributes to chronic diseases among the elderly. Even vitamin D, a well-known vitamin that most people feel they get enough of, has been the subject of a number of recent reports from doctors that treat children to those that treat the elderly.

Green tea pills, alone, are not the answer that most of us need, but supplements that combine the extract with the common vitamins and minerals that we need every day, as well as the cofactors needed for the body to process those vitamins may well be the answer. But, what are the health benefits of green tea, anyway?

Well, if the supplement includes the polysaccharides, as well as the catechins, a number of diseases may be prevented. They include:
o Heart disease
o Diabetes Type II
o Prostate, breast, colon, throat and stomach cancer

Other health benefits of green tea include the relief of headaches and diarrhea, improved cognitive function and cholesterol levels and a reduction of blood clots. But, suppose you are susceptible to motion sickness, nausea, indigestion or irritable bowel. Will green tea pills help with those problems? No, but taking ginger can help.

Suppose that you suffer from frequent colds, yeast infections, asthma or chronic fatigue, what's the best solution there? Olive leaf has proven benefit for stimulating the immune system and improving the function of many of the bodily systems. But, if you want to go back to those other three causes of aging, which are glycation, DNA degeneration and a methylation imbalance, then you need some other supplements.

Glycation inhibits the body's ability to use protein and causes the formation of toxin substances. L-carnosine is the only natural substance known to prevent glycation. The fuel needed to balance methylation includes the B-vitamins, an enzyme called betaine and SAM-e.

Fighting DNA degeneration may be one of the health benefits of green tea, because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Oxidation and inflammation are the two causes of chronic illness and age that green tea pills can address.

But, if you want to protect the cells of your body from DNA deterioration, you need a multi-nutritional supplement, unless you want to take a handful of vitamins, every day.

I prefer to take just one supplement. I want the health benefits of green tea, but I don't like to drink it and I know that the antioxidant content of the beverages varies.

I know that some supplement manufacturers are better than others, because they test each raw ingredient for potency and purity. They also test each completed batch.

I had tried single-ingredient green tea pills in the past, but I was spending a lot of money every month, in order to get SAM-e, ginger and all of the nutrients mentioned here.

When you combine more than 70 carefully blended ingredients the synergistic effect will have a maximum impact on your health and well being.

Now, I spend less and get more. What could be better?

To learn about the synergistic products that I personally take go to my website now.

Possible Side Effects of Green Tea

Green Tea Side Effects: They Exist But Don't Be Afraid!

Although green tea has many health benefits some serious side effects also exist.

These side effects only occur, if at all, when consumption is high, during a longer period of time. After all, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wouldn't categorize green tea as "Generally Recognized as Safe".

Most of the side effects are associated with the caffeine content in green tea.

Caffeine, the scapegoat.

Some of the negative side effects related to excessive caffeine consumption during a longer period of time are:

* Insomnia (unable to fall asleep)

* Restlessness

* Anxiety

* Irritability

* Upset stomach (gas)

* Nausea

* Headaches (from dehydration)

* Tremor (uncontrollable muscle contraction and relaxation)

* Loss of appetite

* Diarrhea

* Vomiting

* Heart palpitations (a rapidly or forcefully beating heart)

* Irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia)

* Increased blood sugar levels

* Dizziness

* Frequent urination.

Side effects: the rest...

Other green tea side effects are:

1. Allergic reactions

People can be allergic to green tea ingredients such as the tannins or caffeine, identified through unexplained skin rash, hives, itching, swelling of the mouth or throat, wheezing, or difficulty breathing or swallowing.

These exceptional allergic reactions are similar to, say, a peanut, bee sting, or shrimp allergy.

2. Health issues

Some health issues may occur when drinking green tea, such as:

* Iron deficiency anemia. Polyphenols (mainly tannins and catechins) found in this type of tea bind to non-heme iron. Although this anti-oxidative effect is desirable in the fight against cancer, this mechanism may impair the utilization of dietary iron. In other words, polyphenols lower the iron availability and absorption from foods; tea extract decreased non-heme iron absorption by 28%.

Two independent studies involving children from different ends of the world (Great Britain and Saudi Arabia) found they may optimize their iron status by avoiding tea with (or after) meals. The interaction between tea and iron can be mitigated, however, by the addition of high sources of vitamin C or consuming tea between meals.

Conversely, a 1998 study argued that the reduction in iron absorption may be of benefit to patients with genetic haemochromatosis.

* Thiamine deficiency. Another potential side effect is that green tea reduces the absorption of thiamine (vitamin B), which can lead to a condition known as Beriberi (nowadays known primarily to alcoholics, people on fad diets, or persons undergoing long-term starvation) where one version attacks the cardiovascular system and another version attacks the neurologic system.

* Liver disorders. In rare cases, green tea extract may lead to acute liver toxicity, recognized by abdominal pain, dark urine, or jaundice.

* Kidney problems. Overconsumption may affect the absorption of oxalates and contribute to the development of kidney stones. Contrary to these results, Curhan et al found drinking tea (a daily serving of 240 ml) decreases the risk of developing kidney stones by 8%; a study involving more than 81,000 women.

* Stomach problems. Dubey concluded in a 1984 study that "tea is a potent stimulant of gastric acid, and this can be reduced by adding milk and sugar."

* Teeth stains. Tea will stain your teeth if you do not brush your teeth within 24 hours and floss regularly.

* Beware of diet teas. There are two types of diet teas: the good and the bad. Beware of the second one containing mostly stimulant laxative herbs; when consumed in large quantities these laxative herbs may lead to (chronic) diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach bleeding/cramps, fainting, dehydration and (chronic) constipation.

* Pregnant or breastfeeding women. Caffeine, catechins and tannic acids are substances linked to pregnancy risks such as miscarriages, low birth weights and fetal neural tube defects. Some health organizations advise pregnant women to limit their caffeine consumption to 300 mg per day.

3. Interference with medications

If you are on medication or you have a medical history always consult your medical advisor whether or not to take green tea as it may interfere or interact with certain medications such as antibiotics, sedatives, beta blockers (adenosine), blood thinners (aspirin or warfarin), anti-psychotics (MAOIs, clozapine, or lithium), some cough, cold, and weight loss products.

Tips (to prevent any side effects)

Here are some tips to limit possible negative side effects.

* Use green tea in moderate amounts.

* Brew between 160-180 degrees Fahrenheit (just below boiling point) to prevent green tea changing into an acidic, astringent chemical composition otherwise contributing to acid reflux (heartburn) and an upset stomach).

* Avoid making your cup of green tea too strong; a strong cup contains more caffeine (and polyphenols) which can lead to the side effects mentioned earlier.

* Avoid drinking green tea for at least 2 hours after taking medications.

* Avoid or only consume moderate amounts of green tea during pregnancy or breastfeeding.