Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hemorrhoid Cure Information

Our circulatory system is made up primarily of arteries and veins. Normally, our blood vessels work splendidly in transporting blood to our organs. However, there are some instances where some of these blood vessels swell. This what happens when a person suffers from hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are essentially just blood vessels that have expanded beyond their normal sizes.

These swollen vessels often appear in the anal canal. If the hemorrhoid is not visible, it's called an internal hemorrhoid. If the hemorrhoid has formed near the anus, or it has grown beyond its place inside rectum, then it is an external hemorrhoid.

Some people suffer from both types of hemorrhoids; it's possible to have internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids at the same time. This condition is by no means unusual, and people form hemorrhoids at least once in their lifetime. Hemorrhoids are usually caused by internal pressure centered on the pelvic region.

Exerting pressure on the rectal/anal area can also cause hemorrhoids. Why does internal pressure contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids? Well, think about it this way: the tissues surrounding the anus are rich in blood vessels. The additional blood vessels help the body remove solid waste during bowel movement.

However, exerting too much pressure can cause these blood vessels to swell so much that hemorrhoids begin to form. Normally, the tissues and blood vessels go back to their normal size after a person visits the bathroom.

However, if the internal pressure is continually applied over a long time, the tissues and blood vessels in the rectal region will have a hard time going back to their original appearance/size.

If you are always straining when you need to move waste, you are probably at risk for hemorrhoids. Having diarrhea can also cause tissue in your rectal region to swell, because repeated visits to the bathroom can tire the tissues that help control the movement of solid waste. On the other hand, constipation puts a person at risk for hemorrhoids because constipated individuals often have to "push hard" every time they visit the bathroom.

Hemorrhoids can resolve with no intervention. Severe cases of hemorrhoids may require surgery, although this is usually not the case. The most common symptom of hemorrhoids is bloody stool. If you see fresh blood after visiting the bathroom, there's a chance that the fresh blood is from a hemorrhoid. Pay your doctor a visit just to be sure.

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