Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tips to Help Your Child Through Teething

When we first lay eyes on our children we can't help but love them and want to take care of them. It is amazing when we get to see them growing up every single day and we get to support them through these stages. There are different stages to the growth process and the majority of these stages can be seen while they are still 1 to 2 years old. One of the more difficult and more painful growing stage that they go through is the teething process.

Anyone who has ever had a child can attest to how difficult the teething process is not only for your child - but also for you as the parent. When your child is teething they are breaking in their baby teeth through their gums. Naturally this cannot feel good at all. In order to help your child get through it you first have to learn how to identify the symptoms.

When taking care of them through the teething process make sure to clean the drool from the baby's face regularly to prevent rashes from forming. Gently wash the gums with water and a clean toothbrush in order to keep the gums healthy.

In order to help relieve some of the pain give them a cold pacifier or teething toy for them to chew on. Many of these need to be placed in the freezer before giving it to them. The cold helps to numb up their mouths and take away the pain.

There are two main types of medicines that you can give to your teething baby. One of the most common is Orajel. Many of us know this because we use it when we have toothaches. Children's Orajel works the same way. It numbs up the mouth and helps to relieve the pain for a short time.

Another medicine to use are teething tablets. The tablets dissolve quickly in the babies' mouth and work immediately. Orajel is not as effective because it will spread a thin film over the gums forcing the tooth to break through not only the gums but this layer as well. In the end it is more painful on the child.

Teething Symptoms

The majority of babies will begin to break in their first teeth between 4 to 7 months of age. It all depends on the child and how quickly their bodies will develop. You may find that your child will not break in their first tooth until they are 1 years old or less then 4 months of age.

One of the most common signs of teething is excess drooling. I know that babies drool the minute they come from the womb and that is a signature sign for them. However, when they are teething you will notice that they are drooling more often and more frequently then usual. They will also try to chew on everything they can get their mouth on and that includes both your and their hands. If you look at the gums they will be swollen and slightly tender.

Many children will be more irritable then usual and very cranky during this process. Their sleeping patterns will be disrupted, they may have a slight fever, and experience diarrhea. They may also experience pain in the cheeks and ears. Some will also have a smaller appetite.

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