Ferrets are hardy little animals but they are susceptible to several diseases and health conditions that an owner should be familiar with so that the health of the pet can be maintained. It is important to not only be able to know and recognize the symptoms but to know the best corrective action to take when they manifest themselves. If the ferret's health is properly maintained they can provide years of enjoyment. Listed below are some of the conditions that deserve great vigilance.
The first consideration to observe after you bring home your new ferret is how is the digestive system working? Ferrets are meat eaters and if they are fed plant based food somewhere it can cause problems. They should only be fed a diet consisting of meat based protein with a maximum of 4% fiber. Sometimes they will not be fed the proper diet and will suffer gastrointestinal problems. If the new ferret is suffering from vomiting or diarrhea they more than likely are having problems with their digestive system. Usually after being put on the proper diet regimen they will get over this problem.
ECE or epizootic catarrhal enteritis is a serious disease that attacks adult ferrets. Animal health authorities believe that it is carried by baby ferrets who give it to the adults. Green diarrhea is the primary indication of this serious disease which requires immediate attention by a veterinarian so anytime you see this symptom in your pet ferret it is advised to get it to a veterinarian as soon as possible. It is a life threatening disease to you pet but it can be cured with proper treatment over a period of time.
Parasites are another common problem with ferrets especially if its former owners weren't careful about controlling this malady so immediately after bringing a new ferret into your home it is important to carefully inspect the animal for parasites. A common parasite of ferrets are ear mites whose presence is indicated by the appearance of a brown substance in their ears and the ferret continually scratching its ears. A common problem to all animals is fleas and ferrets are not immune to this distasteful condition. Another common problem is heart worms that are caused by mosquito stings. The encouraging thing about parasite problems is that they can all be controlled with the proper treatment.
Unfortunately ferrets are susceptible to several forms of endocrine disease. One of the forms of this condition is when tumors appear in the ferret's adrenal gland. Tumors can show up in their pancreas. This condition is referred to as insulinoma which causes difficulties with the ferret's blood sugar levels similar to a human with diabetes. Endocrine diseases are serious health threats to ferrets and proper treatment by a veterinarian is essential.
Ferrets of all age are also threatened by lymphoma. This disease can attack a ferret with varying degrees of intensity. As with cancer in humans it can be treated with different results.
To insure that your pet ferret lives a long and happy life keep on the alert for the ferret disease symptoms and be prepared to take action when they raise their ugly heads.
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