Saturday, February 15, 2014

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Learn Its Causes And Symptoms

It is not uncommon for people aged over 20 to suffer from the condition commonly referred to as the irritable bowel syndrome. Though it is very commonly diagnosed people prefer not to discuss this issue with others.

Frequent stomach cramps, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and constipation characterize Irritable Bowel Syndrome known as IBS in short. It leads to a great amount of discomfort and leaves the sufferer in distress though no permanent harm is done.

Though IBS is common among many patients and so are their problems, the symptoms of IBS are varied. This makes diagnosis a bit difficult.

Some of the people suffering from IBS, experience only a single symptom like constipation. This is characterized by straining or cramping with only minimal amount of stool released. Some people experience mucus, which moistens digestive tracts, released in their stool along with bowel.

Some others have more serious symptoms like diarrhea which causes release of watery stools which is both uncontrollable and frequent. Some others suffer from alternate attacks of diarrhea and constipation.

It is wrong to imagine that the syndrome has stopped when the symptoms cease. Some people in fact find irritable bowel syndrome more difficult to tolerate months after the symptoms cease.

Though IBS is reported all around the world regularly, the exact causes of this syndrome have not been determined. Many researchers have come to a common conclusion that it is related to colon and that large bowel may be reactive to stress and food consumed.

Many others believe that inefficiency of the immune system is the chief cause of IBS.

These IBS patients also commonly suffer from irregular movement or motility in the large colon. This is referred to medically as spasmodic movement. Some others experience intestinal movement temporarily ceasing.

Bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tracts have also been often linked to the causes of IBS. Researches have observed that people who have previously developed gastroenteritis have an increased chance of developing IBS too.

Irritable bowel syndrome is found to heighten when a person is susceptible to stress and anxiety. This in turn aggravates IBS. Also many IBS symptoms cause anxiety and depression.

Study of some other patients has led to the general opinion that celiac disease and IBS may be interrelated. Celiac disease is a person's inability to digest a substance present in rye, barley, wheat flour and other substances that help coagulating bread called gluten. The immune system of celiac disease patients is affected and it damages the small intestine when gluten is consumed. The presence or absence of celiac disease can be confirmed using blood tests.

However, among female sufferers of IBS, the symptoms were found to get worse in their menstrual period.

These commonly observed factors are the 'supposed causes' of movement of bowel internally. There is constant research in the medical and scientific circles for a definite and feasible cure for easing out of this syndrome.

People have found various things that can give temporary relief from IBS. These are mainly centered at avoiding certain trigger foods that can cause symptoms that lead to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Also there are many activities that are suggested which are known to lessen the effects and chances of appearance of these symptoms. Abstinence from alcoholic drinks, avoiding large means, reducing consumption of caffeine, tea, chocolates and colas and using wheat based food items are recommended.

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