Are you constantly suffering from gas and bloating after meals? If so you could very well be part of the 90% of the population suffering from Candida induced digestive problems, I'll discuss this further at the end of the article. Typically chronic problems with digestion are labeled as IBS as doctors are not trained to identify subtle issues going on in the body and the IBS label is just a generic term to identify the fact that you have a problem with your digestion. What these same doctors fail to realize is that the foods themselves that you are eating are the causes of your problems.
Solutions to Chronic Gas and Bloating from Food
The most helpful suggestion I can possibly make is immediately remove offending foods from your diet. Unfortunately if you are new to this, you will soon realize that over 80% of all available foods are harmful and destructive to your digestive system, these foods include.
Dairy Products: Milk, Cheese and all forms of dairy foods create inflammation in the bowel lining and also create a thick mucus inside your body which can trap food particles and create significant bloating and pain as a result.
Wheat: All wheat products whether they're refined or even whole wheat should be removed from the diet for at least 2 weeks as should dairy. The problem with wheat is that just like dairy it will create blocks in your digestive tract that can cause bloating and constipation. As well it irritates the lining of the digestive tract creating a painful sensation. If this wasn't bad enough some people can actually have their entire health deteriorate as a result of this one grain. If you don't believe me read the book "dangerous grains".
Getting back to Candida however, this is a fungal growth that can over-develop in your body that wreaks havoc by creating food sensitivities, chronic bloating and gas and a feeling that you are just not digesting properly. If left to continue to grow it can completely destroy your health, being the cause of diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, severe anxiety and other mood disorders. In addition it will further destroy your digestive tract until it is virtually compromised entirely.
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