Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Digestion, Colic, and the Bottle-Feeding Infant

While there is no evidence that bottle-fed infants have colic more often than their breast-fed counterparts, it may seem that your little one is fussier after his feeding times. The bottle feeding infant may have digestive issues or other problems with formula that breast-fed babies do not. Because if this it is highly important that you pay attention to your little one's feeding habits in order to establish whether or not he or she is having any difficulties in digesting formula. Some of the symptoms you may notice are:

  • Gassiness, or Bloating - if your baby is excessively gassy, or often seems bloated, here she may be having difficulty digesting the proteins and sugars in whatever formula is being offered. Talk with your pediatrician about making a change, or for further evaluation.

  • Excessive Spit-Up - excessive spit up can be assigned of acid reflux, or it can be something as simple as the need to burp your baby more often. However, if your baby regularly spits up after his feeding, digestive issues may be the problem.

  • Irregularity - diarrhea or constipation is of particular concern in infants because the toxicity of stools can quickly become a serious issue. Babies who suffer from diarrhea risk serious dehydration which is also dangerous and can be deadly. Seek the advice of your pediatrician if your baby is having any kind of irregular bowel symptoms.

  • Colic-Like Symptoms after Feeding - because colic often sounds as though a baby is in great pain, colic like symptoms after feeding may indicate painful gas, acid reflux, or other serious issues. If your baby is regularly very fussy just after being fed here she may be having an allergic reaction or some other issues that need to be addressed.

The bottle feeding infant is not necessarily more prone to these conditions than a breastfeeding infant. However, because of the wide variety of formulas available on the market, it is important to find one that will be easy for your baby to digest. Choosing hypoallergenic, vegetarian, or other formulas may help to alleviate the worst of the digestive symptoms that can be mistaken for colic.

If your baby is still fussy after making these adjustments, speak with your baby's doctor and get a formal diagnosis for colic after making sure other, more serious conditions have been ruled out. It is important to keep your baby's pediatrician fully aware of any changes you make to your baby's feeding routine or formula, so that he or she can make the best determination on how to help your little one thrive.

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