Saturday, September 28, 2013

8 Home Remedies For Diarrhea From Grandma

Traditional home remedies for diarrhea exist for many generations and for different cultures. You can bet that since diarrhea is a very common experience, previous generations would have found remedies for relief. These home remedies for diarrhea are worth investigating so that there is really no need to turn to drugs for treatment. In most cases, these natural methods can help to ease symptoms with fewer risk. You may have remembered having used these traditional home remedies when young. If you have forgotten about what they are, why not ask your parents or grandparents about them? To help you get started, I have dug up a few well known traditional secrets and shared them in this article.

Diarrhea is a way for your body to remove a substance that is bad for it in a quick manner. You may find that other than diarrhea, you may also experience vomiting and fever. While it is helpful to efficiently purge the body of the foreign substance, it can cause dehydration. Dehydration is very dangerous, especially for children and older people. Should you also find blood or mucus in the stool, there could be a more serious reason for your digestive complaints.

Although drugs are generally effective, they can impede on the intent of your body to cleanse itself. Hence, home remedies for diarrhea which assists the body in its natural cleansing process can help reduce the symptoms of digestive problems safely.

1. Wild oregano oil acts as an antibacterial, anti parasitic, and antiviral agent. Thus, it can address the root cause and help to treat the bacteria, virus, or parasite causing the diarrhea.

2. Wheatgrass powder is supposedly effective for treating diarrhea from irritable bowel syndrome. Mix a double or triple dose in a glass of water. Follow this glass with a glass of plain water.

3. Brown rice and toasted whole grain bread are traditional home remedies for diarrhea that my grandmother used and with good reason. These foods provide you with some energy and nutrients to overcome feelings of weakness, while giving bulk for the stool.

4. Homeopathic Arsenicum enables you to eliminate toxins after eating spoilt food, but will control the diarrhea. Another of the popular home remedies for diarrhea is cuprum arsenicosum. You would need to take four charcoal tablets every hour, so as to keep toxins from being absorbed by the body.

5. Drinking blackberry tea will alleviate mild diarrhea. Ginger tea or ginger in capsules helps relieve cramping. A tea brewed with croton weed leaves will also act as a home remedy for diarrhea.

6. Avoid drinking non caffeinated and non alcoholic fluids whilst feeling sick. Skip apple juice however but choose ginger ale and carrot juice instead.

7. This is an excellent home recipe for diarrhea due to several helpful ingredients: a cup of plain yogurt, a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder, and a pinch of salt. Simply add the spices after warming the yogurt slightly and drink.

8. Ayurvedic home remedies for diarrhea are also known to help. One recipe is a gruel made from ½ cup of rice, 4 cups of water, ½ tablespoon of ginger paste, salt to taste, and ½ cup pomegranate juice. Mix and cook all ingredients except the juice. After cooking, add the juice and consume while warm. This mixture provides hydration and reduces inflammation in the digestive tract.

With so many ideas, you only need to reach as far as your kitchen cupboard. By making home remedies for diarrhea, you can find relief without causing harm to your body. It is important to remember to hydrate and flush your body with lots of water, regardless of which home remedy that you are on. Electrolytes or minerals are carried out with the water, in cases of prolonged diarrhea. You should take plenty of liquids, preferably those containing carbohydrates, especially glucose, and electrolytes such as oral rehydration liquids. Should you continue to experience diarrhea despite taking home remedies for diarrhea for more than a day or two, then you should see a doctor right away.

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