Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dog Health - The Importance of Puppy Shots and Vaccines

Just like human babies, puppies also need their fair share of vaccinations to protect them from the common, yet fatal, diseases in dogs. These 5-in-1 puppy shots are also called DHLP-P vaccinations, with the purpose of immunizing dogs against the five most dangerous dog diseases namely Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza and Parvo.


Canine Distemper is an extremely contagious disease in dogs which can be potentially deadly. The identified cause is the paramyxovirus which can be transmitted by coming into contact with the thick green or yellow discharge from the nose or eyes of an infected dog. The most common symptoms include dry cough, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and increase in temperature. The neurological symptoms are shivering, twitching or constant chewing (as if the dog has a gum in its mouth). Later on, the dog will have convulsions and seizures that might result to respiratory and heart failure leading to death.


Canine Hepatitis is another deadly disease in dogs which can be transmitted through the stool, urine or saliva of an infected dog. The abdominal organs of the dogs and the liver are the primary targets of the virus. Initial signs include discharges from the nose, eyes or mouth, and sometimes red eyes in infected dogs. The animal may stop eating, become sluggish and a lot of them become comatose.


Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can be spread through the urine of an infected dog. What makes it serious is the fact that it can be spread to humans. The most common symptoms are increased urination, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sores in the tongue, gums and mouth and whites of the eyes may change color. It is usually fatal because of the damage it causes to the kidneys, liver and digestive tract. Very few dogs may survive but recover at a very slow rate.


All kinds of kennel cough including parainfluenza are highly transmittable and airborne. Sharing of dishes and nose to nose contact can be reasons for the spread of the disease. Symptoms include deep sounding cough that can go on for weeks making the dog exhausted.


Parvo is a contagious disease in dogs which has resulted to many dog deaths, with puppies being more susceptible to the disease. The virus may cause cardiac or diarrheal problems to infected dogs. The most common symptoms are increase in temperature, loss of appetite, lethargy, bloody diarrhea and vomiting.

If you don't want your pet dog to suffer any of these canine diseases, the only way you can prevent it is by being diligent in taking your puppy to the vet for regular vaccination shots. By doing so, you can sleep soundly knowing that your beloved pet is protected.

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