Saturday, July 6, 2013

Gassy Newborn - Is it a Milk Allergy?

If your gassy newborn often cries after feedings, or seems to have unusual symptoms that accompany the crying, you should schedule a visit to your baby's pediatrician right away. Colicky symptoms can be an indication of a more serious condition in some circumstances, and it is best to rule out the possibility before you attempt to treat the crying as a sign of colic. In particular, milk allergies will often be accompanied by crying which can be mistaken for colic by the new parent.

Babies with milk allergies may show additional signs such as a rash, bloody stools, or wheezing during or after feedings. This can occur with cow's milk formula, but it may also occur in breastfed babies whose mothers regularly consume dairy products. By contrast, a gassy newborn with lactose intolerance will probably only show signs of gassiness, along with potential vomiting and diarrhea. Getting an accurate diagnosis is essential in order to be sure your baby receives the treatment that he or she needs.

If your baby's pediatrician rules out milk allergies or lactose intolerance, then there are still steps you can take to help minimize the gassiness. Your baby may be having a reaction to something in your diet, if you breastfeed, or his digestive system may not be ready for the full-sized proteins in many types of baby formula. In both instances, there are adjustments you can make, either to your diet or to your baby's formula choices which will reduce the gassiness and help to reduce colic as well.

If you are concerned that your baby may have a milk allergy, you may wish to eliminate dairy from your diet while you are waiting for the doctor to make a final diagnosis. If your baby is bottle fed, switching to soy formula may seem to be a good idea, however, some babies with milk allergies also have a reaction to soy protein formulas, so be sure to discuss any changes with your baby's doctor beforehand. Determining whether or not your baby has a milk allergy is only possible after tests have been conducted to confirm the allergic response, so be certain to discuss the issue with your baby's doctor as soon as possible.

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