Saturday, August 24, 2013

Breastfeeding Benefits Both Mother And Child

Breastfeeding is the most natural, beneficial way to feed your infant. Breastfeeding provides your child an initial protection from disease and a boost to the child's own immune system. Breast-fed infants experience less diarrhea than bottle-fed babies and breast milk is the ultimate form of nutrition for your baby. Breastfeeding will not only be of the most nutritional benefit to you baby, but studies have shown that babies who are breast-fed develop higher IQs than bottle fed babies. When a baby is ill or has diarrhea, breast milk is the most easily digestible form nutrition available.

Your baby could live exclusively from beast milk for the first 6 months of his or her life. The amount of breast milk you produce corresponds with the demand of the baby. As your child grows, your milk supply will increase accordingly. Well-nourished mothers should have little or no problems accommodating the growing appetite of her child. Breast-fed babies have a deep emotional bond with their mothers and will provide the mother with health and emotional benefits as well. Breast-feeding will reduce the mother's risk of post-partum hemorrhaging, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and anemia. Breast-feeding also offers a natural way to space the births of your children, as you will not ovulate while breastfeeding.

By breast-feeding your child, you will save thousands of dollars on the cost of formula and bottles. There is no more natural and environmentally friendly way to feed your child. Unless you have been diagnosed with HIV, have untreated tuberculosis, are dependent on drugs or alcohol, or have the need for certain medications regularly, consider breast feeding as the best, most economical way to feed your child. Speak with your doctor about any existing health conditions or other factors that may prevent you from breastfeeding.

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