Saturday, October 19, 2013

Did You Know Your Poo is Talking to You?

So you have just woken up and gone to the toilet to take care of business. When you turn around and flush, do you look at the poo that you have just produced?

Most people that I have asked this question to eventually say, "Yes!"

I'm sure that you have noticed by now that some days it's a bit mushier, some more solid, some even have chunks in it. What does all that mean?

Have you ever put any thought into the fact that your poo could actually be telling you something about the state of your body?

Poo deserves the respect that society has failed to give it. The size, shape, smell, and colour are all a window into the inner workings of your body.

It's time to put on your laughing caps because we are going on a journey to the dark side of poo! This is sure to get you thinking about what you put into your body and have you laughing at the same time.

Here are 8 Types of Poo You are Sure to Have Experienced at Some Time in Your Life and the Reasons that You Have Them.

Deja Poo

Ever looked into the toilet to see the food you just ate come out in the same form it went in?

This is often the case with insoluble fibres such as corn. Your body lacks certain enzymes that break down some components of plant cell walls. Consequently, you have the pleasure of seeing it again on the way out!

Monster Poo

You have worked hard to get this one out and you turn around to see this trophy and wonder how such an immense sized poo managed its way out of your body. You bask in the glory of the poo and as you flush, hope it will make it down the toilet.

The reason for this poo is likely due to what you ate and drank the night before. Imagine putting oats into water and letting them soak overnight and seeing how much bigger they are by the water that they absorbed. It's quite similar in your belly. If you eat a lot of fibre and water, it will tend to expand in your belly creating a bulging poo for the morning after.

Floaters Vs. Sinkers

It can be so embarrassing when you are at a friend's place or a public toilet and you turn around to see your poo floating. You flush the toilet and it doesn't go down. You think to yourself, "Oh No! Please go down!" You flush again and start to run out of water and flushes. Luckily this time it goes down. Don't you hate it when it doesn't and you leave it floating there for the next person to find?

Why does that happen? It's most likely due to gas and fat in your diet. You may have noticed at the same time that you are also farting a bit more than usual. Next time you go to eat the 3rd burger from McDonald's you may want to think again!

A little something you can try if this does happen to you... Put extra water in the toilet. This should give it a bit more force to flush the floater down.

Soft Serve

Not quite as liquidy as diarrhea, you turn around happy to see that there is actually some solid matter in the toilet, possibly looking like a soft serve ice cream.

If this is short lived, it is most likely due to a poor digestion of food. If the problem persists, it may be due to lactose or gluten intolerance. Please consult with a doctor for appropriate tests to be done to diagnose this.


This is short for day after drinking stool. If you have had a big night out and have woken up with a hangover, this is most likely the result of your drinking. It will often be semi-solid, have stomach pains as you pass it and will have the smell of the bar that you left at 4am.

This occurs because your body wants to eliminate the toxins quickly. The process of creating the poo is sped up and not all the liquid is absorbed, resulting in runny poos.

Pebble Poo

These are frustrating. You have just sat down and worked to get out your poo only to see little pebbles in the toilet when you have finished. It is so anti-climatic.

The very simple solution to this is to eat more fibre. The lack of fibre in your diet is allowing for a lack of production of a sticky substance that holds your poo together.

Log Jam

Otherwise known as constipation. You sit on the toilet with pains in your stomach and gas and a desire to poo, but nothing comes out! How unrewarding and unpleasant.

Up your intake of water and fibre. If this persists, you may need to get a colonic to flush out your system and unblock what you have been building up. Look for a well-trained practitioner in your local area. And check out my article on cleansing if you want more information about colonics.

Ring Of Fire

As you sit down to have your comfortable poo, you are unpleasantly surprised by a burning sensation that makes you think your bum is on fire.

The likely cause for this is chilli or other spicy foods. Think about it, it probably felt the same way going in as it did coming out!

See... Poo can be fun! My husband and I talk about our poos most days. (No, I'm not lying!) We definitely celebrate the majority of the days that we have those perfect poos that come out nice and easy, leave no smell and are clean to wipe. I love those ones!

We are also aware that if we go a couple days without them, we have to adjust something in our diet. It's just that simple.

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