Friday, October 25, 2013

The Facts on Feline Colon Cancer and How to Prevent It

Cat colon cancer symptoms need to be differentiated from those associated with other disorders, such as intestinal diseases, in order to make a firm diagnosis. There are signs and symptoms that can be warning signs for the disease, although of course the best option is prevention.

As mentioned, the signs and symptoms of feline colon cancer look like other intestinal diseases. Related symptoms include desire to defecate without actually defecating, painful urination, and reduced appetite levels. Other symptoms depend on where the tumor in the colon is located such as a reduction in a cat's weight, vomiting and diarrhea.

Since these symptoms are somewhat common and related to many diseases, the cancer could have time to take hold and spread. This is why colon cancer tends to be under diagnosed. The more advanced the illness becomes, the more difficult it is to treat, if at all. With time the prognosis worsens.

Treatment approaches for feline colon cancer is similar to other types of cancer including radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. Surgical removal of the tumor is called for, although catching it before it spreads is difficult.

It is for this reason that cat owners look to preventative medicine for help. This means making sure that your cat eats a well balanced AAFCO approved diet, gets plenty of fresh water and exercise, and also has the benefit of a natural homeopathic dietary supplement that is designed to boost the systems of the body, particularly the immune system.

In the wild, cat's naturally gravitate towards those foods and herbs that are designed to strengthen their physiology or condition. In the absence of this opportunity, homeopathic veterinarians believe that some of these substances should be added back into the diet.

These include ingredients such as Milk Thistle, Echinacea and Mistletoe. All have properties which are thought to help the body function, maintain functioning within a normal range and support major organs.

Cancer and colon cancer in particular can have a devastating effect on a pet, with treatment possible reducing a cat's quality of life even further. With this in mind, although the science behind natural supplements is just evolving, they are safe and in cats that respond, possibly of benefit with little to no down side.!

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