Thursday, October 31, 2013

Cat Vomiting: Causes and Treatments

Vomiting that occurs occasionally in an otherwise healthy cat is generally not a cause for concern. Vomiting that persists for over 72 hours with or without signs of illness such as appetite loss, depression, lethargy, or diarrhea can indicate a more severe problem and should be addressed. The fluids lost during vomiting result in dehydration which could be potentially life threatening. The food, acids and other material expelled during vomiting can in other cases be lifesaving. Since cats are naturally carnivores, vomiting is a protective reflex used to eliminate bones, for example, after consuming a bird or rodent.


* Hairballs are the most common cause of periodic vomiting.

* Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is the most common cause of chronic vomiting. Vomiting hairballs daily is often the predominant sign of IBD in cats.

* Eating linear foreign objects - ribbon, tinsel, string are holiday favorites

* Parasites - round worms in kittens can cause vomiting

* Cancer - Mast cell tumors are a type of stomach cancer in cats that cause vomiting which may contain blood. The vomit may be blackish in color with a fowl odor because of the blood.

* Liver disease can result in stomach ulcers

* Chronic kidney failure

* Poisons - aspirin, antifreeze, plants, pesticides, cleaning agents, lead, herbicides, and heavy metals.

* Distemper virus in unvaccinated kittens

What you and your vet can do:

* Withholding food and water for 12 to 24 hours allows the body to recover and controls most mild cases of vomiting.

* Giving food and/or water at this time usually makes vomiting worse.

* Gradually reintroducing small frequent meals several times daily over the next 2-3 days resolves most cases.



* Nux Vomica 6c - Use for cats that acts moderately ill and want to be left alone or are hiding. No food 10 minutes before or after treatment.

The dosage is 1 pellet every 4 hours until the signs are gone. Discontinue if cat is not better after 24 hours. Continue up to 5 days if the cat is responding.

* Pulsatilla 6c - Use for cats reluctant to drink. Use same dose as for Nux Vomica.


* Chamomile Tea - This herb is soothing and relieves nausea. Use for mild stomach upsets.

Recipe: Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 TBSP of the flowers, steep 15 minutes, strain and dilute with an equal amount of water. Give a teaspoon at a time after food and water have already been withheld for the first 12 to 24 hours.

* Note: Peppermint tea also relieves nausea but unlike dogs and people, cats don't like mint.

Lemon Fights Obesity!

Lemon has a lot of properties and benefits. The lemon is composed of three different parts with different benefits and power; these three parts include the lemon peel, acid juice and seeds. Lemon is very useful for the stomach and the heart. Here is a couple of useful lemon recipes:

Recipe to fight obesity

Soak a little cumin in boiling water with slices of lemon and leave the mixture throughout the night and then drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Recipe to combat flatulence of the stomach and intestines

Soak the peel of two or three lemons in half liter of water, and add to it several drops of fresh lemon juice, and then drink it in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast.

Lemon is good for all people at all ages, without exception, provided that the lemon juice is diluted with water because the pure lemon juice is harmful sometimes because it contains citric acid which can harm the membranes of the digestive tract, cause burns in the stomach, and damage the enamel of the teeth.

Drinking lemon juice with warm water in the morning has many benefits including the expulsion of toxins from the stomach and liver, protecting the cells of the body and strengthening the mechanisms to defend it.

The type of lemon that should be selected is the bright yellow lemon and not the green or pale-yellow lemon because they are highly acidic and with little amount of vitamin (C). You should also choose the lemon with a thin and soft skin because it contains more juice than lemon with thick skin.

From the other benefits of the lemon juice is that it fights toxicity, destroy microbes, activates white blood cells and calms and strengthens the nerves. Lemon also treats epilepsy, diarrhea, rheumatism, arthritis, sepsis and inflammatory bowel prostate.

Food Poisoning: What to Do

The food you eat may look good and taste delicious, but its appearance and flavor may be deceiving at times. The symptoms of food poisoning can be immediate or gradual, depending on the type of contaminant present in the food. The common signs of food poisoning are vomiting, severe headache, loose bowel movement, weakness, and stomach discomfort. Immediate attention should be given to people suffering from these symptoms.

Call medical help.

Ingestion of contaminated food could lead to serious health conditions, so, once a person suffers from diarrhea or vomiting after eating, suspect that he has been food poisoned. Appropriate medical attention should be given, so, the affected person should be taken to the hospital immediately for proper treatment. Antibiotics are usually given, and they may have to be taken for a few days.

Get adequate rest.

One of the simple food poisoning remedies is complete rest. A person needs rest to recover properly. The immune system of the body will need energy to deal with the disease. While your body recovers from the disease, you will have to stay in bed. Usually, many people are severely affected by the condition that they have no choice but to stay in bed.

Replenish lost fluids and electrolytes.

One of the effects of food poisoning is that the affected person will quickly run out of liquids in their body due to frequent vomiting and LBM, which will make them suffer from dehydration. Increasing fluid intake, therefore, is necessary. In severe cases of fluid loss, if the patient becomes unconscious, fluids may have to be replenished intravenously, meaning, injected into the patient's body. Oral rehydration solution can be given for mild cases. This solution consists of water and some salt and sugar to replenish the lost ions in the body.

You can drink clear soda or soup. Avoid caffeine-laden drinks, which will only make dehydration worse. Drink more than 8 glasses of water a day to keep yourself hydrated. You will know when you are well hydrated by looking at the color of your urine. Clear urine indicates good hydration.

Take ONLY the medications prescribed by your doctor.

Vomiting can be harmful to your esophagus, because the esophageal lining is not designed to withstand stomach acid. The passage of stomach contents through the esophagus may cause esophageal irritation. Stomach acid also erodes the teeth enamel. There are OTC medications that can coat the throat and esophagus to protect them from the stomach acid. In many cases, your condition will improve on its own as long as you keep yourself well hydrated.

Allow your body to get rid of the toxins or bacteria that caused poisoning. You may be tempted to buy anti-diarrhea medications, like Loperamide, but you are discouraged to take these medicines. Their action is to slow down bowel movement, which will inhibit release of digestive tract irritants.

However, you must be responsible and only take the medications that are prescribed by your doctor. No one understands your condition better than your doctor does.

Do not eat too much.

Toxins disrupt the function of your digestive system. Any food you ingest will not be digested properly as you are not completely healed, so, it may only worsen your condition. The less work your stomach has to do, the faster it will recover. You should not eat anything within a few hours after symptoms appear. This will allow your digestive area to settle.

Start eating soft foods, which are easy to digest. Examples are soup, porridge, banana, crackers, or gelatin. Stop eating if you feel like vomiting again or if you feel nauseous.

Dog Diarrhea - A Comprehensive Guide

If you've got a dog, then chances are, he or she has had diarrhea at some point. Not only is dog diarrhea an inconvenient mess, it is an indicator that something could be seriously wrong with your pet's health.

Remember: diarrhea that worsens, becomes more frequent, lasts longer than 24 hours, or is accompanied by a fever or lethargic behavior is an indicator that your dog needs to be seen by a veterinarian right away. Do not wait to call the vet - it is much better to call and find out that your dog will be fine, than to wait and discover that you let the symptoms go untreated for too long.

Here are some common types of dog diarrhea, and some of the things that might be causing your puppy or dog to be suffering from diarrhea symptoms.

Yellowish or Greenish Color - This type of dog diarrhea is often very foul smelling, and can have a liquid consistency. It is often an indicator that something your dog has eaten has traveled rapidly through his system, and that the body is trying to eliminate it quickly. If your dog has a habit of eating garbage or has found something disgusting to chew on, like a dead animal, this could be what is causing diarrhea.

Yellowish With Mucous and Blood Streaks - Any time you see blood in your dog's stools, you should be alarmed. This type of diarrhea can indicate a bacterial infection like Coccidia or Giardia. If it worsens quickly and is accompanied by vomiting, it could be Parvo. Get your dog to the vet right away to give him the best chance at survival.

Bloody, Foul Smelling Diarrhea - Very bloody dog diarrhea is usually an indicator of Parvovirus. By the time most dogs get to this stage they have less than twenty-four hours to live, unless emergency treatment is given immediately. Dogs with Parvo are lethargic, and are unable to keep anything down without vomiting. Bundle your dog up, and get him or her to the vet right away.

Black Tarry Diarrhea - Diarrhea that looks black or tarry probably contains digested blood from the dogs' own digestive tract. This could be an indicator of a serious illness, and your vet will probably need to run a blood panel to determine what is wrong with your pet.

Foamy Diarrhea - Very light, foamy dog diarrhea can be an indicator of a bacterial infection, especially if it is yellowish or greenish in color. If your dog has no appetite, is vomiting or appears to be lethargic, and has watery or foamy stools, he or she could have an internal obstruction. Veterinarians remove things like chunks of rawhide chew, shreds of fabric, pieces of plastic from garbage or a toy that the dog has destroyed, and even objects like coins from dogs' intestines every day. Many dogs, especially puppies, will ingest just about anything - so don't be surprised if your vet wants to take x-rays to see whether there is an obstruction in cases like this.

Pale, Grey Colored Diarrhea - If your dog has very pale colored diarrhea on a regular basis, this could indicate that he or she has an internal illness. Pale dog diarrhea is often seen in dogs who are suffering from liver disease. The vet will probably conduct a blood panel to see what is causing the diarrhea, and will then prescribe a course of treatment.

Remember, parasites and bacteria can often be transmitted to humans and other pets via contact with contaminated surfaces. Talk to your vet about how to sanitize your pet's area, and be sure to get rid of anything that has come into contact with diarrhea.

Burn Fat Fast With Green Tea and Exercise

As many of you know by now, green tea increases your body ability to burn fat. More precisely, it increases the oxidation of lipid metabolism. Many of the studies that confirm this are perform on subjects who did not make any changes to their diet and physical activity. It should come as no surprise then that when exercise is included, the benefits are even better.

Akira Shimotoyodome and his fellow researchers presented findings that showed that exercise combined with green tea extract produced a much greater reduction of fat accumulation then exercising or using green tea extract alone. The report that supplementing with green tea increased the hepatic fatty acid oxidation in both exercised and non exercised group. However, in the exercised group, the green tea extract also stimulated skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation.

From this, it is obvious that one of the outcomes of combining green tea extract with your exercise program is a synergistic effect for burning fat in your body. If there were ever a good argument for consuming green tea, this is it.

Another important aspect of green tea is it's relative safety. Even though green tea has been found to be very safe, some side effects do occur. Some of these side effects are constipation, diarrhea, nausea, restlessness and upset stomach. More severe side effects are rash, hives, swelling of the mouth, face, lips or tongue. It should go without saying that if any of these severe symptoms occur then you should seek medical attention.

In short, if you want to burn fat quickly, a combination of green tea along with exercise has been shown to be more effective than just using each option alone. It's synergistic effect will help shorten the time it takes for you to get the body you want and deserve.

Take a Bite Out of Teething

New parents tend to worry about everything. Their baby coughs and it is off to the doctor's office. Any change in their child's behavior can be enough to send them running to the emergency room. Just imagine how scary it would be if the baby was fussy, crying all the time, and chewing on his own hand. Sounds scary, but not to worry. These are all signs of teething and mean your baby is growing up.

Sometime between four and six months, most babies' teeth start to make an appearance. During this time, it can be especially difficult on both the parent and the child. Your child will be experiencing new sensations, and crying is the only way he will have to express those feelings.

What are some of the symptoms of teething?

When a child is teething, many times he will experience increased drooling, gum pain, mild swelling where the tooth is coming in, and a need to gnaw on things. He will be cranky and fussy, crying without seeming to have a problem. Some children may also experience a lack of appetite because chewing their food hurts.

Symptoms that are not common to teething are diarrhea, fevers and cold-like symptoms. If your child is experiencing these symptoms, you should have your child checked out by his doctor. They could be signs of an illness.

What can you do to ease your child's discomfort?

Having something to chew on that is cool and hard is the best thing for your child to help with teething pain. Frozen waffles, a washcloth soaked in cold water, and frozen bagels are all wonderful ways to help your child's gums feel better. Be sure to watch your child while he is using any of these items, to avoid any potential problems.

Along with household cures, you will find a number of over the counter medications you can use on your child's sore gums. Ask your child's doctor what is the best one for your child, along with how much and how often you can use the medication.

You can also use a teething ring, which you can find in any store's baby section. The ones with liquid inside can be put into the refrigerator to cool, but never freeze. A frozen teething ring can damage your child's gums and incoming teeth. There are also plastic teething toys your child can chew on to help his teeth come in easier.

Give extra love and cuddling during bad teething times. Nothing beats a parent's love when it comes to your child's comfort. Extra snuggling and attention can go along way to soothing your child's pain.

When will your child's teeth come in?

The front bottom teeth are usually the first ones that come in, followed by the front upper teeth. These can appear anytime between three and twelve months old. Some babies will start earlier, some later. Have your child checked by a pediatric dentist for problems if his teeth have not started to come in by fourteen months.

Teething is a life change your child will go through, one that will be painful for your and your precious baby. But with plenty of love and teething tools you will help your baby deal with the discomfort.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hemorrhoids Diet - Which Foods Can Improve Your Condition?

Hemorrhoids can be caused by different factors, such as age, heredity, obesity or liver disorders, but the most common cause is an unhealthy diet. Poor nutrition can cause constipation and hard stools, which increase the pressure on the rectal vein, leading to hemorrhoids.

The best diet for hemorrhoids sufferers is a high fiber diet which can regulate and soothe bowel movements, improve your overall health and reduce hemorrhoids.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, the first action you should take is start eating more foods that are rich in dietary fiber. If you do not change your diet, no matter what treatment you try, your hemorrhoids will eventually come back.

What should you eat?

Here is a list of foods you must include in your hemorrhoids diet:

1. Foods that contain whole grains -- whole wheat bread, brown rice, bran cereals, whole wheat pasta, oat groats, popcorn, teff flour;

2. Fresh vegetables;

3. Root vegetables like potatoes, radishes, turnips, carrots, celery root;

4. Fresh fruits -- do not peel off the skin before eating them, as it is the one that contains the greatest amount of fiber and vitamins;

5. Dried fruits.

Try to eat bran cereals every morning, but start with small amounts, until your organism gets used to them. If you eat too much from the start, you can develop a mild diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Slowly increase the amount of bran cereals and you will achieve regular and smooth bowel movements.

What should you avoid?

To get the best results, avoid eating heavy meals, fatty foods or products that are low in fiber like: meat, white bread, ice cream or cheese. Moreover, try drinking fresh juice instead of coffee and avoid alcohol.

To keep a proper hemorrhoids diet, how you eat is as important as what you eat. If you suffer from hemorrhoids you must eat regularly, and never in a rush. You have to thoroughly chew what you eat, to help your digestive system function better and avoid unnecessary pressure on your anal veins.

Quick Relief For Constipation in Kids

Most children nowadays do not have well-balanced meals due to fast-paced lifestyle. Most parents do not have enough time to prepare or cook food for their children that they opt for fast food. The foods that are served in restaurants do not have enough nutrients and vitamins needed by your children. This is why constipation in kids is very common. It is advisable that you feed your children with healthy foods and have them drink plenty of water everyday to prevent dehydration. If they develop bad eating habits, they are more prone to getting health problems such as constipation.

Defecation becomes difficult if the feces are hard to eliminate from the body. If your child's constipation becomes more frequent, this is something that you should pay heed to. It will be more difficult for your kids to eject the feces and other toxins inside their body if it stays longer than usual. This digestive disorder also entails other physical discomfort such as stomach pain and nausea.

Sometimes diarrhea may occur right after constipation but that does not necessarily mean that you have put an end to constipation. These are merely new feces that have formed as diarrhea. If these waste matters remain inside your child's body for a long period of time, he is more susceptible to serious health problems. Your child's stool may be impacted if he has dramatic weight loss and protruding abdomen. When your child forces to defecate, he may also be bleeding. This can be cured and prevented by making sure that your child maintains a sensible diet.

One of the causes of constipation is dehydration. Make sure that your child has enough fluids inside his body by letting him drink at least six to eight glasses of water everyday. Your child should also avoid foods high in fat and sugar. If he has the desire to go to the rest room, encourage him to do so. He will able to develop a habit of going to the restroom on a daily basis. It is also recommended that you let your child join in some activities to stimulate his bowel movements. Any form of exercise that keeps him always on the go will do.

Apple juice is also a great treatment for impacted stools. However, if your child's constipation becomes severe, your doctor will find a way to flush all the toxins that have already built up inside your child's body. He may prescribe some medications such as mild laxative and mineral oil. Laxative can be dangerous so make sure that you have the doctor's consent when you give this to your child.

Exercise, well-balanced meal and enough fluid intakes can prevent constipation in kids. However, if your child is still suffering from constipation in spite of a healthy lifestyle, do not hesitate to seek the doctor's advice so he can check if there are other illnesses that need to be treated.

Roundworms, Deworming and Your Dog

Roundworms (Toxocara canis) are an extremely common form of parasite that dogs and their owners have to deal with. Roundworms are the most common intestinal parasite that affect puppies. Roundworms can infect your dog in several ways, they affect newborn dogs, are determined by common symptoms, and are a rather frequent dog parasite. Roundworms are the very reason why a regular deworming regimen should be a part of your dog's life.

The most simple form or roundworm infection is when your dog ingests roundworm-infected feces.The shorthand definition of a roundworm infection is that the eggs hatch in the stomach and go to the liver, then the larvae work towards the lungs by moving through the blood. Once the larvae arrive at the lungs, they are coughed up and swallowed into the the stomach and ultimately deposited in the small intestine.

There are however, several different ways that a dog can become a host to this parasite. For example, roundworm eggs can exist in the soil for years, so, a dog cleaning his contaminated paws can pull roundworm eggs into his system that way. Additionally, a dog may be dewormed, but that only takes care of the roundworms in the intestines. The roundworm larvae also burrow into parts of the dog (like the liver) and then go to dormant (encyst) for years. A deworming won't kill these larvae. Some pet owners believe that dogs should be dewormed twice a year. While researching this article, I even talked to a dog owner who deworms his dogs every month. The rationale behind this type of vigilance is because of the dormancy issue. Another aspect of the dormancy issue is if a dog eats a rodent carrying roundworm larvae. Roundworm larvae encyst and go dormant in "transport hosts" like rodents, waiting for the chance that their intermediate host might be consumed by a dog so they can awaken and continue their life cycle.

The most insidious way that roundworms can infect your dog has to do with the previously mentioned encysting process. A hormonal change in the dog (such as pregnancy) will awaken the roundworm larvae, and the larvae will then travel through the blood to the placenta and ultimately to the unborn puppies. If this isn't ugly enough, uglier still is the fact that roundworm larvae can also be passed through breast milk. This makes for the ridiculously high statistics of puppies contaminated with roundworms. Some feel that 95% of newborn puppies are born with roundworms. I am not a vet, but what I have learned from talking to a lot of dog owners is that deworming should start as soon as 2 weeks with a puppy.

The symptoms of roundworms are rather general. Stomach pain, a dull coat, a bloated stomach, weight loss, coupled with pale lips and gums are all parts of the equation. They can also be accompanied by a loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloody, irregular stools. Worms may actually be seen in vomit and in stool and they kind of look like spaghetti. Extreme cases can bring about a weakness and general loss of spark that comes with anemia and malnutrition. The coughing and other issues that come with the lung infection can lead to pneumonia in extreme cases.

Roundworms house themselves in the intestinal tract where they can grow up to five inches in length. A single roundworm can lay over 100,000 eggs a day. A fecal floatation by a vet will determine eggs in the stool. Roundworms pass their eggs out through the stool. Signs of roundworms in puppies can be a pot belly and slow growth. With puppies, roundworms are extremely dangerous and capable of severe intestinal blockage caused by a wormball that can cause death.

Roundworms are a rather frequent parasite that plague household dogs. Roundworms are exceptionally prevalent in puppies. Because of their propensity to go dormant and awaken later, deworming should be a regular part of your dog's routine.

Baby Health Tips Every Mother Should Know

How to take care of minor problems.


The end of the cord will fall off in a couple of weeks after birth.

Until it falls off, keep it clean and dry.

Keep diaper below cord so that the cord stays dry.

Dab with alcohol on a cotton swab 1-2 times each day.

Call your baby's health care giver if it looks red, irritated, bleeds or oozes, or
has a bad odor.


A circumcision should heal in 7-10 days.

If the tip of the penis is irritated by the diaper, put a little bit of petroleum jelly
on the irritated area each time you change the diaper.


Change diapers often.

Wash baby's bottom with soap and warm water at each change.

Use zinc oxide paste or diaper rash cream on irritated areas.


Leave baby's diaper area uncovered for a few hours each day. (Place several
folded cloth diapers under baby.)

Use zinc oxide or diaper rash cream on irritated areas after washing.


If you are breastfeeding, continue to do so.

Call baby's health care giver if your baby won't take liquids, can't keep them
down, has a lot of diarrhea, or has diarrhea for longer than 12 hours. (Diarrhea can be a very serious problem for little babies, who can lose a lot of fluid quickly.)

There are special drinks --called oral electrolyte solutions-- that infants with diarrhea should be given to keep them from becoming very sick.


Make sure that your baby is not crying for some other reason (wet diaper, hunger, tight clothing, loneliness).

Hold baby, stomach down, across your knees.

Rock your baby.

Push your baby in a carriage or stroller.


Try to make your baby more comfortable.

Call baby's health care provider if your baby has a fever.

When to call the doctor ...


  1. Has breathing problems (has to work hard to get air in and out).

  2. Cries (more or differently from the usual), or moans as if in pain, or is very fussy.

  3. Has a temperature higher than 100° F.

  4. Vomits (more than a spit up) or has diarrhea (very watery, loose, foulsmelling stools) more than 2-3 times in a day.

  5. Has even one large, very watery bowel movement and is less than 3 months old.

  6. Passes blood or blood clots with urine or bowel movement.

  7. Has a convulsion (shaking arms and legs).


  1. Seems weak, has no energy to cry as loudly as usual.

  2. Refuses to feed or nurses poorly (or doesn't want more than 1/2 of the usual bottle).

  3. Doesn't wake up as alert as usual, or for older babies, is not playful, even for a short time.

  4. Just doesn't "seem right" and you are worried.

  5. When you call the health care provider about your sick baby, write down the advice you get. Have available the telephone number of a pharmacy in case your care giver wants to phone in a prescription.

Is Your Health Being Threatened by Green Lipped Mussel Side Effects?

I was enraged when I read about how some people believe that green lipped mussel side effects are potentially lethal.

That's nonsense - while the many benefits of green lipped mussel are well known, the side effects are no more than you might find with any other food. Let me explain, and on the way I'll also make you aware of those side effects that can actually occur through the ingestion of mussels.

Now the green lipped mussel, as you probably know, is a salt water shellfish, which is brown in color and quite large, growing to as much as twenty centimeters in width or more. It is characterized by a beautiful green tinge to the shell along its outer borders, which characteristic gives it its name.

Those side effects that can occur in the course of mussel supplements, or even eating the shellfish cooked, are generally minor, with the exception of the allergic reaction to shellfish.

If you have any sort of allergy to shellfish, then you are indeed in potential danger of experiencing green lipped mussel side effects - an allergic reaction, actually, because the supplement essentially contains the same substances that trigger your allergy.

At the very least, you must be certain to consult a doctor and to inform him of your allergy if he is not aware of it, and to ask him whether taking this type of supplement would be safe for you. In all probability, if you are prone to an allergic reaction, it would not be.

However, most of the other issues related to green lipped mussels are hardly serious. Sometimes your stomach can take a day or two to become accustomed to digesting green lipped mussels, and you might experience some minor diarrhea or nausea. This is especially true if you eat the mussels raw, though if you take them in supplement form, you still can sometimes suffer from mild stomach problems.

One way to avoid these stomach problems is to take the supplements while eating. This trick can reduce the occurrence of green lipped mussel side effects. Generally speaking, this fools the body into absorbing the supplements without the usual issues that can occur when you first start taking the green lipped mussel supplements. Though if you use a really good supplement such as Xtend-life, you rarely have too many problems

While it's true that cooked mussels can be a lot easier to digest than the raw form and even than some supplements, it's not recommended that you go in for the cooked product, because the supplements really retain all the natural constituents of this type of seafood that are the source of all health benefits that accrue from it.

So a good supplement can go a long way towards helping you attain longevity and perfect health. And, you'll admit, that's certainly food for thought!

Timing Is Everything: Tips For Successful Introduction Of Solid Foods

Getting a healthy start at the family table is important for infants. Parents play a major role in the development of healthy habits - right from the beginning. Entrance into the wide world of solid food is a major milestone for baby, but it is important to enter into this new territory with clear goals in mind.

Generally speaking, infants begin eating sold foods between the ages of four and six months. The American Academy of Pediatrics - the go-to source of all healthy suggestions baby-related, recommends beginning solids no earlier than four to six months to avoid food allergies and other complications. Additionally, many pediatricians suggest giving cereal as a food item rather than adding it to the bottle. Signs of readiness to eat solid foods include: the ability to hold head up unassisted, showing interest in the food others eat at mealtime, reaching a weight that is double that of baby's birth-weight, and loss of the tongue reflex that prevents baby from properly eating solid foods rather than drinking them. It is important to remember that baby, even at six months, will receive most - if not all-of his or her daily nutritional needs from breast milk or formula. Food is a novelty item being introduced, not a primary source of energy.

After baby has reached a stage when solid food can be introduced, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children begin with baby cereal. Dry, mixable, single grain rice baby cereal from the baby food aisle of the grocery store is the best bet for the first feedings. Leaving more complex baby cereals including wheat and barley may stave off food allergy reactions in very young babies. Of course, cereals from the adult breakfast aisle are not recommended because they do not meet the needs of a growing infant at this stage in development.

Texture and consistency are extremely important for the first feedings. Adding water, breast milk, or formula to the cereal, parents should take care to ensure the cereal is not overly lumpy or thick as this might prove difficult to swallow.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, most pediatricians, moms, and baby food cookbooks recommend introducing only one food at a time. Each single food should be served over the course of a few days. Taking this slow approach helps caregivers keep a watchful eye for dangerous food allergies. Some common food allergies are soy, wheat, milk, tree nut, peanut, egg, and shellfish. Allergic reactions in baby can take the form of loose, runny stools (diarrhea), vomiting, or even hives. If a parent introduces a food and shortly thereafter the child experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, they should call their pediatrician for advice. Food allergies can be serious and need to be addressed quickly.

In the book Mommy Made and Daddy Too: Home Cooking for A Healthy Baby & Toddler, a book written by parents Martha and David Kimmel for parents which has been helping ease children into solid food since 1990, the authors recommend starting vegetables after the first two to three months of cereals. The idea is simple but elegant in its straightforwardness: leave the sweetest things and food items with the highest likelihood of allergy for last to keep baby safe and avoid developing a sweet tooth before the first tooth even sprouts! The Kimmels suggest this general rule of thumb for introduction of fruits and veggies, "yellow first, orange and pale next, dark green and red last." They also advise dropping the following ingredients from baby's diet in the first year entirely: white table sugar, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, shellfish, eggs, fried foods, unripe fruit, chocolate, candy of any kind, honey, potato chips, tomatoes, corn, and processed meats like hot dogs or bologna.

It is particularly important to avoid the use of honey in baby food during the first year because, as the American Academy of Family Physicians notes, "Although the worldwide incidence of infant botulism is rare, the majority of cases are diagnosed in the United States. An infant can acquire botulism by ingesting Clostridium botulinum spores, which are found in soil or honey products." Infant botulism is no laughing matter, and while honey may have a sweet taste and many benefits to adults, it should not be given to infants under one year of age for this reason.

Another important point parents should take into consideration is their own diet. Beyond maintaining a good health for the parents' own needs, mothers, fathers, and other caregivers need to be role models from the very start. Giving baby a healthy start means making healthy choices. Children model the things they see in their environment. A child old enough to eat table food will notice his or her parent's choices and mimic them, for better or worse. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends, "For your child's sake as well as your own, cut out your salt use and watch how much fat you consume. Provide a good role model by eating a variety of healthy foods."

There are two main options in baby food for parents: buy it at the store or make it at home. Many recipe books exist on the market for those interested in making their own home made baby food masterpieces. It can be cost effective and relatively simple. Meanwhile, store bought baby food has come a long way in recent times and also provides a flexible list of menu options for infants.

Recipes for home made baby food exist by the score on both internet sites such as or in the bookstore or library with titles like Mommy Made and Daddy, Too or Simply Natural Baby Food. Homemade foods can coincide family dinners with similar ingredients and therefore be made at the same time or made ahead of time and stored for later use. Generally speaking, homemade baby foods consist of cooked vegetables or fruits that have been reduced to a nice glob of mush. This means that parents planning to go the do-it-yourself route will need a blender. Other handy items include: a paring knife, slotted spoons, ladles, spatulas, measuring cups, graters, colanders, strainers, saucepans with lids, and a vegetable steamer. Storage generally takes the form of freezing or placing in the refrigerator.

Buying baby food at the store is a good choice for busy parents and offers a wide selection of foods. Store bought foods can be used in conjunction with homemade foods, as well. Organic baby foods exist for interested parents in addition to more traditional baby foods. The packaging is portable and easily stored in the pantry or the refrigerator. As with any packaged food, parents should be careful not to purchase swollen packaging (can indicate spoilage) or packages with broken seals (indicative of possible tampering).

Baby's first foods are his or her gateway into a healthy life filled with all the wonders of solid foods. Foods introduced at this age will shape children's eating patterns for the future. Whether making food at home or buying quality foods in the baby food aisle at the store, making good choices today will provide children with a good nutrition as they grow and healthier future in the years to come.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Heat Stroke in Pets - What to Do

Heat stroke can occur when our pet's temperature reaches above 105 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature the body's immune system begins to go haywire and their organs and blood begin to malfunction. Death can quickly occur without lowering their temperature and correcting any other problems that can arise. Typically animals with heat stroke stems from two common scenarios. One, the animals were left in the car, even with cracked windows. Secondly, animals that are kept outside without adequate shade or water. Both of these situations are very common and extremely bad for your pet's health.

Some other risk factors include brachycephalic breeds; these are dogs that have short noses such as bulldogs, pugs, and boston terriers. Dogs that are very young, under the age of six months and dogs that are seniors (over 7 years) are also much more likely to have this happen. Finally, dogs that are overweight or have a history of heart disease are also at high risk. Ensuring that these dogs have plenty of water to maintain proper pet health function is essential to their survival. If you find your animal in a hot environment and they are not acting normal they may have a heat stroke. Heat stroke victims typically are panting vigorously and are bright red in their mouths, ears, and around the eyes due to the very high blood pressure. They can have extreme weakness or be lying down and unable to stand up. Some dogs will have watery vomiting and diarrhea that may or may not have blood in it. As things begin to get worse you may notice small areas of bleeding under the skin in the mouth, ears and the whites of the eyes. Of course they will also feel warm to the touch. If your pet is exhibiting any of these signs quickly take them to your veterinarian.

Once presented to your veterinarian they may want to do a few simple tests to determine how far the problem has gone. Initially the temperature is determined and vets will try to place a catheter so they can flush cold fluids into the body. Your vet may also want to do some blood work to check for electrolyte imbalances and organ dysfunction. Probably one of the most important tests is to check blood-clotting times. Once the catheter is in place and going the vet will use colder fluids to help bring down the temperature of the pets; but another problem can arise, hypothermia. Without constant monitoring the temperature can lower to the low nineties. Once the blood work results are back the vet can then determine a treatment plan for your pet and offer suggestions on ways of better monitoring your pet's health in the heat. Regardless, any animal with a temperature above 105 we typically hospitalize because they need careful monitoring.

There are a few things we can do at home to prevent and help in the treatment of heat stroke. This one is easy; first keep your pet out of parked cars and uncovered pens in the direct sunlight. Next, keep lots of fresh water available. In case your animal feels warm to the touch you can also dip their feet in rubbing alcohol. The rubbing alcohol really helps in bringing down the temperature. Quickly bring your pet into your local veterinary office and tell the front staff you have an emergency. With heat stroke, time really matters and the quicker the temperature is safely dropped the less harm that will be done.

Health Benefits of Pomegranates

Pomegranate is an Exotic Antioxidant Super fruit, its spiritual reputation is a life-giving and heavenly fruit. But a pomegranate is more then that, it can be helpful in treating diabetes, dementia, cancer and menopausal problems, and it can even prevent sunburn. When it comes to organically produced pomegranate it becomes more vital to our overall health.

Research proved numerous health benefits of pomegranate including--

Nutrient Value

Pomegranate aril juice provides about 16% of an adult's daily vitamin C requirement per 100 ml serving, and is a great source of vitamin B5, potassium and antioxidant polyphenols.

Pomegranates are high-fiber in some charts of nutritional value. However that fiber is entirely contained in the seeds which also supply unsaturated oils.


Pomegranates contain three times as many antioxidants as red wine and green tea. In fact, they contain the most antioxidants of any natural food, and especially loaded with Vitamin C and Potassium. Antioxidants are vitamins and enzymes identified for lowering (LDL) or "bad" cholesterol from oxidizing and hardening the arteries.

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

The seeds and juice are considered a tonic for the heart and throat. Research shows that eating organic pomegranate seeds and drinking pomegranate juice can increase oxygen levels to the heart. Organic pomegranate seeds act a lot like aspirin, keeping blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous blood clots.

Erectile dysfunction

Studies expose that, over time, organic pomegranates might help combat erectile dysfunction. Researchers report that long-term consumption of pomegranate juice increase and balance the blood flow to the heart and subsequently to the rest of the body. A glass of organic Pomegranate Juice or take one capsule of Pomegranate extract daily as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction.

Lower Risk of Cancer,

There are also possibilities that pomegranate compounds influence prevention of prostate cancer or slow its growth. In some research pomegranate extract delayed the development of tumors and improved survival.

In addition pomegranate seed oil, fermented juice, and pericarp extract to cause cancer cells to self-destruct. So far the juice and extracts are not toxic to the healthy breast cells. It could be used as a source for cancer prevention.

Lessen Symptoms of Diarrhea

The skin of the fruit and the bark of the pomegranate tree are used as a traditional remedy against diarrhea, and intestinal parasites.

Reduce Cholesterol

Research confirmed because of its antioxidant properties consumption of pomegranate juice for two weeks was shown to reduce systolic blood pressure.

Fight Cell Damage

Pomegranate used to Toning skin, after blending with mustard oil firming-up sagging breasts. It improve complexions, its seeds oil is wildly used in cosmetic products to add moisture, rejuvenate dull or mature skin, assist with wrinkles, calm minor skin irritations, improve skin elasticity and protect the skin.

A relief reported from hot flashes and other menopausal problems during the period when they drink pomegranate juice or eat its seeds. It is also found that scores on memory tests improved.

It gives relief from eczema, psoriasis and sunburn, typically increases ability to stay in the sun long enough to be benefited by solar Vitamin D.

Treating Diarrhea With Home Remedies?

Diarrhea occurs when stools become loose and work without any consistency. It is an effective way to remove the undesirable substances from the body. The symptoms for diarrhea are vomiting, stomach pain, consistent thirst, fever, nausea or even dehydration. The results for the same may be dangerous in children as well as in people aged above 65 years. Due to vomiting there is loss in fluid of the body that needs to be replaced. Diarrhea, in most cases is a symptom of some other problem. It is caused by food poisoning that can be due to bacteria in food or water, food allergies or a virus. It can also be caused due to consumption of alcohol in excess, laxatives or caffeine.

Some special drugs are able to stop diarrhea effectively but the fact that they interfere in the natural process of cleansing the body is unwanted. However with the help of some natural remedies we can cure diarrhea without hampering the work of our immune system. Our body makes use of diarrhea remove the bacteria or viruses that we might have taken in while eating. Therefore to stop diarrhea very soon is not a good idea. However if it goes for several days then dehydration and loss of several important nutrients from the body might be dangerous.

Given below are some very useful home made and natural remedies for curing diarrhea-

1. If you believe to have taken bad food then take homeopathic Arsenicum.

2. If you have developed a burning pain in the mid section and are feeling weak then take curprum arsenicosum. You should take four charcoal tablets in a span of one hour.

3. If the diarrhea is mild than you should drink blackberry tea.

4. You can also make capsules of cayenne and take this at regular intervals.

5. As earlier you can make capsules of ginger and take it at regular intervals. You can also drink ginger tea as it can stop cramps and pain.

6. In case of diarrhea you should drink plenty of fluids and at the same time you should not drink alcohol and caffeine. Drinks made from ginger and carrots are useful as they make the stools less watery. Also make sure that you do not drink juice made of apple because it will only increase diarrhea.

7. What you can also do is boil brown rice with water for a minimum of forty-five minutes and drink the water in it.

Other good home remedies for diarrhea are:

o Eat bananas.
o Eat sticky white rice to stop diarrhea.
o Boil half a cup of water with lemon peel and drink the water.
o Eat 1-2 tablespoons of mashed apples to stop diarrhea.
o Drink warm sage tea in small sips.
o Mash 3 carrots and eat.
o Drink chamomile tea to relax the pain in the stomach when suffering from diarrhea.
o Eat plain toasted bread.
o Drink blackberry juice to stop diarrhea.
o Eat plain yogurt to cure your diarrhea and don't forget to drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration.

Cruise Ship Virus - Danger At High Sea?

"On the last night/morning, many people were stricken with a gastrointestinal illness that caused diarrhea and vomiting. A great deal of vomit was on the stairs, elevator and other public areas by Friday morning." So a passenger from Canada, on December 30, 2005, sailing on the Zuiderdam in the Holland America Line, reported to the website

Norovirus is a highly contagious gastrointestinal virus where the potential for someone who is sick to infect others exists from the moment they become sick, to at least 3 days after they get better. Disturbingly, some people remain contagious for up to 2 weeks after recovering. This may be a factor in successive cruises becoming infected. And it remains questionable whether sick passengers and crew are confined to their cabins for 3 days after they get better.

Whilst norovirus outbreaks are by no means confined to cruise ships, the nature of a cruise increases the likelihood of an infection spreading. This is similar to the potential for infections spreading in other closed communities like nursing homes. The 'cruise ship virus' can be spread through contaminated food and drink, which is particularly concerning if the crew members who serve or prepare food become sick.

Passengers can pick up the virus from touching infected surfaces like handrails, walls and mirrors. When a suspected norovirus outbreak occurs on a cruise ship, crew will spray disinfectant on all common surfaces, and sick passengers are confined to their staterooms.

Sick passengers and crew have acute symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Some also have stomach cramps, headaches, a low grade fever, and chills. One 21 year old man actually died two days after disembarking from his ship. The cause of death was cited as being complications from a norovirus infection.

This isn't common however. Norovirus infections are usually not significant health risks, though they are highly unpleasant, both for passengers and cruise ship companies. For passengers, what is meant to be a relaxing holiday turns into a retching and wretched nightmare at sea. For cruise companies with ever increasing ship capacities, it is a public relations nightmare.

Baby Teething - Symptoms and Management

Teething can be divided into two phases:
- The First: the eruption of the deciduous teeth (milk teeth).
- The Second: the eruption of the permanent teeth.

The eruption of the deciduous teeth:
- Usually, deciduous teeth eruption begins at the age of six months and continues until the end of the second year of life.
- New teeth erupt continuously during this period.
- The first two teeth to erupt is the lower anterior teeth, and these teeth does not usually cause any inconvenience for the child during their eruption. The next teeth to erupt are the anterior teeth in the upper jaw.
- Deciduous molars eruption causes suffering to a child in most cases.
- The eruption of the deciduous teeth (20 teeth) is completed when the child reaches the second year of age.
- The normal teething differs from child to another, some children are born with a tooth or two, and others do not start teething before the end of their first year.
- The deciduous teeth fall out between six and twelve years of age.

The eruption of the permanent teeth:
- Permanent teeth begin to erupt as soon as the deciduous teeth fall out.
- Sometimes, permanent teeth erupt before the deciduous teeth fall out, in this case the dentist will remove the deciduous tooth so the permanent tooth can take its place.
- The complete number of permanent teeth is 32 teeth.

It is advised to:
- Clean the new baby teeth by a finger covered with a clean cloth or a towel. You can use a small and soft toothbrush after the completion of the eruption of the front incisors.
- Visit the dentist regularly starting from the third year of age.
- Explain the process of milk teeth replacement for the child so he would know what to expect when they begin to fall out and the permanent teeth start to erupt.

Symptoms of teething:
- Swelling and redness of the gums.
- Some of the children suffer from pain in the site of the erupting tooth while other children do not feel any pain.
- The child might become nervous, irritable and cry a lot.
- Increased secretion of saliva.
- The desire to chew and bite, like biting the fingers.
- Sleep problems.
- It is wrong to link other symptoms of illnesses to the child teething, for example, teething does not cause fever, diarrhea, vomiting or pain in the ear.

To relive teething pain:
- Massage gums gently by the tip of the finger, you can also use a soothing and analgesic gel (depending on the physician instructions)
- Give the child a clean teething ring to bite on it after putting it in the refrigerator or freezer for a period of time.
- Give the child a carrot or an apple to bite on them, but watch the child carefully so he would not swallow it.
- Some children need to use paracetamol syrup to relieve the pain caused by teething.

Food Allergies and What It Can Do

Food allergies can be caused due to hypersensitive reaction of the immune system to certain food products. Food intolerance is often confused and misinterpreted as a food allergy. When in actuality a food allergy occurs in 1-2 out of 100 adults. Although the allergy is more common in children. The symptoms of food allergies are usually seen with minutes or maximum within an hour after the consumption of the food. In very rare cases the effects do not show for hours. The most common immediate allergic reactions that are seen are itchiness of skin and rashes that develop. Itchy feeling on the nose and eyes, a running nose and sneezing are the few prominent effects. Itchiness and swelling of the lips is the main symptom that is seen as the lips are the first to come in contact with the food. Apart from this nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains, vomiting are as also observed.

Anaphylaxis is a life threatening allergic reaction. Very tiny amounts of the allergic food is also sufficient for anaphylaxis to occur. If a person is very susceptible to an allergic reaction due to a certain food product, extreme precaution is advised so as to not increase the chance of allergic reaction. A very common allergy found in infants is an allergy towards cow's milk. At least 2 out of 100 children suffer from allergy to cow's milk. This allergy, although very soon disappears after a certain age. Usually 9 out of 10 children lose it by the age of 3. It is very rare to find adults allergic to cow's milk. Another form of food allergy that is prominent in kids is allergy to egg and egg products. Unlike allergy to cow's milk, this soon disappears after a certain age, in some children an allergy to eggs remains for a very long time.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Under the Dome by Stephen King

Under The Dome by Stephen King is a must have book for your round the world cruise. It will keep your mind alert, your muscles exercised, and your intellectual standing elevated.

However, tackling "Under the Dome" to review it for you, required a game plan, a simple one to unravel the complexities of this novel. And what could be simpler than to present the review in two parts, based on the polarities of good and evil, for part one and using the story line, for part two. This then allows us to begin at the beginning with part one, the characters.

The main icon of goodness is a kind of hippie dropout. Happily, as clean as a boy scout, he has the improbable nickname of the bane of the feminist movement, Barbie. Please do not let the immense irony of this escape you: a self respecting ex-military man runs around calling himself Barbie, a source of irritation for the local good for nothings. You see, he's relatively new in town, gets a job in the local diner, earning the scorn of the resident junkie after introducing himself as Barbie. This leaves us covered in deep you know what, the "scheudenfreud" craft of Kafka's mom casting menacing auras.

With this bit of Kafka like massaging, you are sure to be a star at dinner parties for at least a year. You can wallow during the aperitif and the main course amidst oceans of psychological waters, to plumb, to sail, to fish, with undercurrents that twist and turn and overcome, like a Tsunami. Your dinner companions will marvel at the depth of your insights, your analytical prowess, and your far reaching erudition. Actually, Barbie should be the last nickname in the world his personality would accept, would announce, would answer to. Any self respecting hunk of male testosterone would have made it clear to the larger humanity that it's not going to happen. But get used to it, dear reader, and surely as the story unfolds, the sublime irony will reveal its true meaning.

Now let's take a look at the omega character, protagonist really, in the form of evil, Jim Rennie, an on your knees Christian, dishonest used car salesman, who despises his son most of the time, lusts after money, power, and revenge and prays a lot. This symbol of evil presents himself almost in the first sentence, as desirous of flagellating our symbol of good, Barbie. Aside from these interesting personality malfunctions, Rennie is a sexual bag of tricks, who has to content himself with his continual and not very nice fantasies.

And so the plot thickens and thickens and continues to thicken like a newlywed's first attempt at white sauce. After fixing the characters firmly front stage center, the minor ones emerge, and then the more minor ones, all very much Pop Eye and Olive. With the characters established, the author then uses the cuisinart approach to set the scene for the ensuing struggle between the good and evil, as the story unfolds within a unique physical framework.

This physical framework evolves as a small town New England, a bucolic rural landscape, but not with just your pretty bales of hay. Rather, it is reminiscent of a Shakespearean play within a play or a ballet cum rugby scrum. What happens is this: out of nowhere, floats down upon Carters Mill, an invisible dome which isolates everyone in town from the rest of Maine, the USA, the world and into which everyone journeying anywhere through Carters Mill on land or in the air collides and suffers the consequences, always very bloody.

Now we are all set to go forward, watching good and evil as the combatants square off. In one corner, the evil one trying to achieve his goals of revenge, power, money and in the other corner, the good one, Barbie trying to save the town and himself. This book is hugely entertaining, even compelling at times, with a kind of diarrhea of the imagination, a puppet show, with the entire little town of Carter's Mill in Maine, population 3,000 becoming the cacophony, the backdrop, the canvas for the struggle. It's all in a days work and lots of fun, watching the characters, the symbol of evil seemingly about to triumph over the symbol of good. For more enlightenment, the story line critique, you can see the June publication on American Made Yes.

Constipation - 3 Ways To Ease Your Bowel Movements

How often do you go? Once a day, thrice a day, three times a week? It may be quite personal and for some, the topic may be quite a bit embarrassing. Well, no one wants to talk about such a personal matter but unfortunately, it does happen. And not just to a small number of people but to millions around the globe!

There is too much hype about the importance of passing one bowel movement per day. In fact, due to this notion, a lot of people experience what is now known as imaginary or misconceived constipation. People suffering from this condition are tricked into thinking that when they fail to have a daily bowel movement, they are already constipated. Unusually hard stools, a lot of strain in passing them and a gassy and bloated feeling, on the other hand, characterize real constipation.

To help you in dealing with occasional constipation, you may want to consider the following suggestions:

Be more physically active. A regular exercise routine may bring you more health benefits than you can ever imagine. Not only does it promote physical fitness, it also promotes a regular bowel movement by waking up your sleepy colon!

Drink up! When you are dehydrated, your stool also loses moisture thereby making it difficult to pass. Here are some tips that may help you prevent this from happening:

oMake sure you drink enough liquids. To be on the safe side, drink no less than 8 glasses of liquids per day. However, don't think that you can treat constipation by drinking far more than you need. Any excess liquids will simply be excreted through your urine.

oDrink more fluids when the weather is hot or when you are exercising. Your body tends to lose vital moisture during these periods so you need to replace what is lost.

oStay away from coffee and decaffeinated drinks since these may bring you more trouble. Coffee and decaffeinated drinks act as diuretics and can draw away fluids from your body. You will be better off if you load up on water, seltzer, juice or milk instead.

Please note that these rules may not be applicable if you have other medical concerns such as a kidney or liver problem or any other health complications that may require restricting your fluid intake.

Develop a taste for fiber-rich foods. What is it in fruits, vegetables and grains and beans that make these foods indispensable in promoting a glitch-free bowel movement? The answer? Fiber! Do you know that an extra serving or two of fiber-rich foods may be all that is needed to get things moving? Fiber ensures regularity by adding adequate mass to your stool and stimulates the colon to push things through smoothly. Need help on how to get an ample amount of fiber in your diet? No problem! Check these out!

oDo it slowly. The transition to a high-fiber diet can be best assimilated if done gradually. Introduce fiber-rich foods into your diet one at a time and wait for a few days before introducing another fiber-rich source. Follow this simple rule or your system will be thrown into a state of chaos!

oEat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Some good choices include apples, apricots, berries, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, oranges, peaches, pear, peas, prunes, potatoes and tomatoes.

oEat 6 to 11 servings of grain products daily. Loading up on breads, cereals and starchy vegetables such as green peas, potatoes and lima beans can bring you tons of benefits!

There is no doubt that these simple suggestions can jump start any sluggish colon and may help you in preventing the onset of constipation. Just follow these rules and you can be sure that there will be no more straining as you go!

Colic in Babies - Telling the Difference Between Milk Allergy and Lactose Intolerance

Parents often point to their baby's formula in an effort do diagnose colic in babies. While the type of formula may sometimes play a role in colicky symptoms, there is a big difference between a milk allergy and simple lactose intolerance. Understanding the difference between the two can help you when it comes to discussing your infant's colic with the pediatrician.

Lactose intolerance refers to the inability to digest the sugar found in milk. Very few babies are actually lactose intolerant, and for those that are, treatment is often simply a matter of supplementing the naturally occurring enzymes which are used to break down the milk sugar. Colic in babies with lactose intolerance is typically due to the abdominal cramps and pain associated with the condition. Premature babies are more likely to have lactose intolerance related colic versus full-term babies.

Milk allergies, on the other hand, have nothing to do with the ability to digest milk sugar. Instead, the body has an allergic reaction to the protein in milk, which may be slow onset, or immediate onset, depending upon the severity of the allergy. Babies with milk allergies often have bloody stools, severe abdominal pain, and increased irritability. Other symptoms include hives, rashes, wheezing, vomiting, and diarrhea. These symptoms can mimic many other conditions, and can prove difficult to diagnose in babies. Colic in babies with milk allergies can often be alleviated once the allergy is addressed and milk products are avoided.

Milk allergies are far more dangerous than lactose intolerance, overall. If you are concerned that your baby's colic is being caused by either of these conditions, you should speak with your child's pediatrician as soon as possible. A swift diagnosis may mean more peaceful nights for you and your baby.

Breastfeeding Nutrition

So you've decided to breastfeed your baby! You'll want to make sure that both you and your little one are getting all of the nutrients you need to stay healthy and strong. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, nursing mothers need to eat about 300 calories more each day than they normally would and at least 1500 calories every day. Your daily food consumption should consist of a variety of healthy foods with extra protein, calcium-rich foods and plenty of water. In addition to these general guidelines, you should also:

1. Pay attention to feelings of hunger. Eat until you're satisfied and consume plenty of nutrient dense foods such as whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

2. Monitor your baby's reactions. If you notice that he or she is consistently colicky or develops gas after you eat certain foods, then you may want to decrease your intake of those foods or eliminate them entirely while breastfeeding.

3. Expect that you may be especially thirsty during the first few days after delivery as your body sheds excess fluid accumulated during pregnancy. Increase your consumption of fluid that isn't filled with empty calories in order to prevent dehydration.

4. Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages as they may make your baby jittery or irritable and even make it difficult for him or her to get to sleep. Consider drinking caffeinated beverages right after you nurse in order to minimize negative effects on the baby.

5. Continue taking your prenatal vitamins unless otherwise directed by your physician.

6. Make sure to eat foods that are rich in zinc as it enhances a baby's ability to produce antibodies. Some food sources of zinc are hamburger, chicken breast and whole wheat bread.

7. Limit your consumption of wine to 2 or fewer glasses per week.

8. Be aware of food sensitivities that can result from common allergens such as cow's milk, eggs, shellfish, wheat, nuts and peanuts. Some signs of food sensitivity are diaper rash, skin rashes, chronic runny nose, diarrhea and excessive fussiness.

Unless you are severely malnourished, your milk will provide all of the nutrients your baby needs, so if there is something lacking in your diet it will most likely be you and not Baby that suffers. For your own well-being, do your best to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. That's the best way to ensure that you have the stamina and strength you'll need to be the best mom you can be!

Do You Have Stomach Distress Issues During Or After Your Treadmill Workout? Some Tips to Avoid It

The food that you are eating prior to your treadmill workout may be the reason why you experience diarrhea or cramping. These uncomfortable stomach distresses may force you to stop your workout or even skip it for a period of time. Here is a list of good food to eat prior to workout, and a list of food that may be causing the problems.

To help you, try these foods before working out:

Dairy Products

If you can stay away from cow's milk which has sugar lactose. Rice, almond and soy milks are great choices to ensure that your stomach has an easy time digesting.

Low-Fiber Fruits and Vegetables

Although fruits and vegetables are great for your diet, they may be the cause to your stomach distress issues. Stay with zucchini, tomatoes, olives, grapes and grapefruit. They are low in fiber.

Refined Carbs

Plain bagels, white rice and regular pasta aren't as good as unprocessed and whole grain foods, but for a long workout on your treadmill, they are better for your stomach. The whole grain is already broken down and easier for your stomach to digest.

You may want to limit or eliminate these foods altogether prior to your workout.

High-Fiber Foods

There is no doubt that they are good for your health, but vegetables, fruits and whole-grain foods are culprits to stomach distress during long-distance running.

Caffeinated Beverages

A choice for most to kick start their morning, caffeinated beverages like soda and coffee cause dehydration and stomach issues.

High-Fat Foods

Cheese, hamburgers and fried foods digest slowly in your stomach. Because of this, you may feel sluggish and feel as though these foods sit in your stomach for a long time. Stay away from them to avoid stomach distress.

If you aren't eating the correct foods, your treadmill workout can be a waste. You are truly preventing your full potential. Stomach problems such as cramping and diarrhea can be avoided if you eat right prior to your workout. Choosing your diet carefully, will ensure that you are really getting the best out of your treadmill workout.

Diverticular Disease

Nearly 80% of sufferers with diverticula are asymptomatic except for chronic constipation. Of those who develop other symptoms, the most common presentation is definitely an intermittent and unpredictable griping lower abdominal discomfort (diverticulitis). Extra features of the presentation depend on which of the two main complications of diverticula that the affected individual develops.

A patient who grows diverticulitis (see later discussion) might present with fever and with signs or symptoms and signs of peritoneal irritation (guarding, rebound tenderness, absence of bowel sounds). A affected individual who grows diverticular bleeding might present with either frankly bloody stools or stools which are good for occult blood.

Diverticulosis results from an acquired deformity of the colon in which the mucosa and submucosa herniate via the underlying muscularis. This really is a illness of contemporary affluent existence. A rarity at the turn of the century, these days it afflicts 30% of adults in the U.S. population. Its incidence increases with age, beginning from about 40 years.

Epidemiologic studies recommend how the consumption of extremely refined foods and less fiber, with resulting elevated prevalence of chronic constipation, might be responsible for the elevated prevalence of diverticular illness.

Diverticulosis: Most acquired diverticula occur in the colon; the descending colon and sigmoid (left side) are involved in > 90% of cases. Both structural and functional factors are considered to contribute towards the improvement of diverticulosis.

Acquired abnormalities in colonic wall connective tissue are believed to become the structural basis of diminished resistance to mucosal and submucosal herniation. The functional abnormality is considered to be related to chronic bowel problems and the improvement of a transmural pressure gradient from colonic lumen to peritoneal space as a result of vigorous muscle contraction of the colonic wall.

This functional abnormality is most likely related towards the alter in dietary habits; decreased dietary fiber makes forward propulsion of feces at typical transmural pressures more hard. This increased muscle contraction, which contributes towards the development of diverticular disease, can also be considered to cause the abdominal pain that's the cardinal symptom of uncomplicated diverticular illness.

The discomfort may last hours to days, with sudden relief on passing flatus or feces. Bowel problems or diarrhea and flatulence are typical findings during such episodes, leading towards the suggestion that there is a relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and the improvement of diverticulosis.

Treatment of the discomfort of diverticular illness with opioids is contraindicated simply because they directly raise intraluminal pressure and hence might increase the risk of perforation.

Diverticular Bleeding: Diverticula are a source of bleeding in 3-5% of sufferers with diverticulosis. Branches of the colonic intramural arteries (vasa recta) are closely associated with the diverticular sac, presumably leading to occasional rupture and bleeding. This may be the most frequent cause of massive reduced GI bleeding in the elderly. Diverticular bleeding is typically painless and not believed to be connected having a focus of inflammation.

Diverticulitis: This most frequent complication of diverticulosis grows when a focal area of inflammation occurs in the wall of a diverticulum in response to irritation by fecal material. The patient develops symptoms of abdominal pain and fever with a chance of progression to abscess with or without perforation.

The perforations generally are self-contained, but the potential for subsequent fistula formation and intestinal obstruction is high. About one fifth of all people with diverticular disease develop one of the two main complications-diverticular bleeding or diverticulitis-which must be distinguished from carcinoma, inflammatory bowel illness, and ischemic injury resulting from diffuse atherosclerosis.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Opiate Addiction and Opiate Detox Facts and Effects

Opiate addiction is an issue that plagues many individuals yet the resources for help in getting away from the addiction seem to be few and far between even in the most populated of areas. Opiate addiction is perhaps one of the most difficult to break next to alcohol and the withdrawal symptoms are terrible to endure. They include sweating, shaking, and shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, extreme nerve and muscle sensitivity mimicking that of the flu, vomiting and diarrhea among some others. Withdrawal symptoms can last anywhere from 3-7 days in extreme cases, and make it virtually Impossible to function normally or have any motivation, which is why getting help to get through them is so crucial compared to other drugs like Marijuana that have a lot less repercussions associated with coming off of them.

As you can see opiate detox is not easy to deal with on your own if you've never experienced it. It's rather hard to fathom how miserable it truly is unless you've gone through it. It's really nothing you would even wish on an enemy it's that severe. The best option for relief from opiate withdrawal is an MAOI inhibitor known as seboxin. It actually blocks the opiates from reacting in your system and inhibits them from reacting as they normally would while at the same time acting like a mock opiate to deter withdrawals from affecting you.

While on it you feel perfectly normal, and have no withdrawal experiences while off the actual opiates. The problem with this treatment is that the drug is highly governmentally regulated, and it's very difficult to find a doctor that is approved and willing to prescribe the drug. It's actually easier to find methadone which is a very strong drug that's even more potent than heroine! Once on that it's something you have to take for the rest of your life in most cases as well! That's why we're writing this is to help those of you get the resources you need to get help with your opiate addiction, and not have to suffer through the withdrawals. We know what it's like, and it's not fun.

Heroin is the most commonly used street opiate drug along with pharmaceuticals such as vicodin Percocet and oxycontin. The affects include increased heart rate, energy, motivation, dizziness, natiousness, sleepiness, snoring, excess sleep needed, vomiting, constipation as well as others depending on the amount taken. It can be smoked or shot through a needle in your veins (mainlining). Mainlining the drug is very dangerous and has been the cause of many famous individuals' deaths such as Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols.

These are the cold hard heroin facts and effects. Many first get involved with the drug by being duped into believing it is merely Opium a natural derivative from the poppy flower, but it really never is. True opium in most cases is actually stronger as heroin is cut down and not as potent. It's this cut that adds to the toxicity of the heroin. If taken in excess you can cease breathing in your sleep which leads to death. This is precisely why it's vital to get the help you need when you need it, because otherwise you just have to keep going back for more even if you want to quit. It's both a dangerous and costly lifestyle. One ounce of heroin is going to cost you around $270, and for the heavy user that will not even last one person a week!

Dog Food Poisoning

One of the most common dog illnesses is dog vomiting and diarrhea. These are both symptoms from one of the more well known and common illnesses that is food poisoning in your dog.

Dog food poisoning normally comes about due to dog that are let out to wonder or have easy access to bins and garbage areas where they can quite freely rummage around and eat whatever they feel smells nicer.

Dogs rely heavily on their smell to tell them what to eat and what not to eat, so to a dog, gone off or old food with plenty of germs and bacteria can become a very tempting option, not to mention the many foods that can be harmful to your dog because of the lack of digesting capability your dog has which makes your pet extremely sick in some cases without them fully knowing the consequences of what they are about to eat and digest.

This in turn makes the garbage area of your home or garden, or even places on the street a very dangerous place for your dog to be left alone and unsupervised. Although in most cases food poisoning in your dog is easily treated and has no long term harm for your dog. It can be a really unpleasant time for your dog where they will need more attention and be more time consuming than normal, not to mention the expense of a simple avoidable trip to the vets for the check-up.

Having said this there are ways to clear your dog of this condition to help them to a strong recovery, provided you know that it is food poisoning you are dealing with and it has been confirmed by a professional vet, the diagnosis will normally be to fee your dog only water for twenty four hours so your dogs body can be freed of the offending poisoning from the unwanted food, your dog will do this by either vomit or diarrhea.

If you do not take this action your dog's body will continue to get rid of any food you feed your dog because the immune system thinks the food entering the body is causing the poisoning thus getting rid of it. This cycle will continue and your dog will be ill and unwell until everything has been emptied out of your dogs system and it can return back to normal again.

After this you should feed your dog on bland foods and gradually build up to tastier and stronger smelling foods until all is normal again.

How Do Diarrheatics Work?

Diarrhea is a common condition that affects your stomach and bowel movement. When you say that you are having loose bowel movement, it means that the feces you excrete are on the soft side almost to the point of being watery. Diarrhea, therefore, is characterized by three or more episodes of loose bowel movement within a single day. It is an alarming condition as it is already considered as one of the top causes of infant deaths all over the world. Diarrhea can cause dehydration and imbalances in your body's electrolyte that you tend to become disoriented and weak after experiencing it.

The counterpart of diarrhea is called constipation. Contrary to loose bowel movements that happen when you have diarrhea, you experience difficulty of releasing feces if you are constipated. Sometimes, you can even go for a couple of days without moving bowels. This is just as dangerous for you because your body does not get to release the toxins and wastes it has within it.

To treat constipation and prevent it from eventually causing you severe stomachaches and intestinal problems, doctors often recommend that you take diarrheatics. These are medicines that often come in syrup form and that would induce your body to release all the pent up bowels within. You may experience something close to having diarrhea but the good point is that sometimes, the loose bowel movement episode is just limited to one or two.

Usually, diarrheatics are prescribed to be taken at night before bedtime to give the body time to work its natural waste releasing method without being hampered by external factors and physical activities. The diarrheatic can act as a substance that sweeps out the toxins from your stomach and intestine and then makes them come out.

Your common notion of diarrheatics may be limited to medications. But there are also natural diarrheatics in the form of fruits, plants and beverages. Since being in medication for a long period of time would give your body the tendency to become too dependent on the medicines, it is also suggested that you consume these natural diarrehatics. Green tea and cranberry are among the most commonly used diarrheatics. Apple cider vinegar is also considered as a diarrheatic that is effective in treating constipation.

Of course, what is important in using diarrheatic medications is that you are prepared for its consequences that may be quite uncomfortable for you.

A List of The Most Dangerous Dog Diseases That You Need to Be Aware Of

Below is a list of the leading diseases experienced in dogs. Many are smoothly prevented with immunizations. Those that do not have anticipatory immunizations can generally be prevented with appropriate care. Make sure your dog is up-to-date on all shots and make it a point to recognize the roots of these disorders in order to provide him the optimum potential attention.


Distemper is deadly in 80 percents of puppies and 50 percents of adults. All dogs are highly at risk, and should be immunized, with subsequent immunization injections in keeping the suggestion of a Veterinarian.


Rabies is a virus and turns out to be deadly when symptoms act. Since rabies can be lethal to people and other creatures, nation and local regulations regularly oblige rabies inoculation, many mandating immunization injection shots every year.

Parvovirus (Parvo):

Parvo is very infectious, particularly in puppies, and can cause death in under 48 to 72 hours after exposure. Characteristics include depression, loss of appetite, throwing up and critical diarrhea.

Kennel Cough:

This is a respiratory disease, particularly widespread in kennels and shelters. Characteristics can incorporate a dry hacking cough together with infection of the larynx, bronchial tubes and trachea. Vaccination, as regularly as every 6 months is endorsed.


Heartworms are parasites that cultivate and expand, swarming in the chambers in the heart, arteries in the lungs. Characteristics perform progressively, commonly showed in easy tiring, lethargy and a soft cough. If they are not handled, it ultimately brings on death by congestive heart failure in a once active animal.

Lyme Disease:

Characteristics of Lyme Disease in dogs will incorporate lethargy, joint pain, an absence of appetite, lymph node enlargement, and fever.


Characteristics of Leptospirosis incorporate lethargy, kidney infection, low-grade fever, vomiting, reddening of the mucous membranes and conjunctiva, and blood clotting abnormalities.


Diarrhea and vomiting are symptomatic of this dog disease so it can be jumbled with parvovirus. Other symptoms are loss of appetite, smelly diarrhea, lethargy and dehydration.

Black Bowel Movements - Critical Information About Black Or Dark Green Bowel Movements

If your stool color is anything other than brown, you have abnormally colored poop. The reason that your stool should be brown is due to the bile in the liver, and any change in that, whether it be black or green, can indicate a problem with your liver or your colon. If you are experiencing these problems, read on to find out what you can do to alleviate it...

First, you have to decide whether you are having black or green bowel movements. They are caused by two separate reasons, and each one may indicate something else is wrong. If you have a stool that looks both black and dark green, go with the dark green analysis, as that is usually the case.

A Black Bowel Movement

Usually the most common reason for this type of bowel movement is because of an excessive amount of iron ingested in the body. If you are taking an iron supplement, this may be the cause.

Other, much more severe issues, are internal bleeding or a liver disease, and each one of those should be approached in conjunction with your doctor if the black stools persist after a thorough detoxification.

Green Bowel Movement

Usually green bowel movements are caused by something you have ingested as well. It is more than likely caused by eating green vegetables such as lettuce and spinach.

Additionally, artificial coloring, such as those found in fruit juices and ice cream can cause the dark green color you see. On a lesser scale, iron in the food can be a contributor.

One of the best ways to combat these is by detoxifying your body by using a colon cleanse. The benefits of a good cleanse have been well documented and should be approached as a viable solution to the stool color problem.

Gastroenteritis In Children

Gastroenteritis - What is it? Gastroenteritis is an infection of the intestines (gut). It is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites and other microbes. It can cause varying degree of symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea and vomiting to severe dehydration. Gastroenteritis usually last for a few days but in severe causes, it may last longer.

What are the symptoms of gastroenteritis? The commonest symptom is diarrhea. Very often, vomiting can also be a prominent feature. Intermittent cramp pain around the belly button is also common. Pains may subside for a while each time after some watery stool is passed. Fever and headaches are occasionally noted, especially in very young children, where their immune system is still young and fragile.

Diarrhea usually lasts longer than vomiting by several days or more (diarrhea often continues after the vomiting stops). Very often, loose or watery feces may persist for one to two weeks before a normal pattern returns.

What are the causes of gastroenteritis? Viruses are responsible for the majority of cases of gastroenteritis in children. The commonest virus that causes gastroenteritis being the Rotavirus. It usually causes transient diarrhea and vomiting in children under the age of 5. Viruses are easily transmitted from one person to another by close contact and by consuming food prepared by an infected person.

Gastroenteritis can also be caused by consuming infected food (food poisoning). Vomiting is more prominent than diarrhea in a person who has food poisoning. There are many types of bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus and Campylobacter are some of the common ones.

Consumption of contaminated water is also a common cause of gastroenteritis, this is especially true in poorer countries, where outbreaks of severe diarrhea occur. E. coli, the bacterium commonly found in contaminated water, is often blamed.

How can gastroenteritis be prevented? Good personal hygiene is the most important step in the prevention of gastroenteritis. Always wash your hands:

- After using the toilet.

- Before touching food.

- After playing with animals or pets. (Seemingly healthy animals or pets may carry germs that are harmless to them and harmful to us)

- After gardening and handling dirty objects.

- After handling raw meat and before handling food ready to be eaten.

How is gastroenteritis treated in children? The single most important complication that we are worried about in children with gastroenteritis is dehydration. Luckily, symptoms commonly settle after a few days once the immune system starts to 'get on top' of things. The following are commonly advised for children with gastroenteritis: Give the child plenty of fluids to drink. The objective is to avoid dehydration (lack of body fluid). It is difficult to encourage fluid intake while the child is still vomiting, however, you should still give sips as some amount of fluid will still be absorbed. Preferably, water should be the main drink given. - Rehydration drinks. These are usually advised if the doctors are concerned about the child's hydration status. Rehydration drinks can easily be bought from pharmacies. They provide the perfect balance of water, electrolyte and sugar that the body needs at times of diarrhea and vomiting. In fact, they are better than just consuming water alone. The sugar and electrolyte in the rehydration drinks actually help water to get absorbed from the gut into the body. Other advice is: the child should eat and drink as normally as possible; medicine should not be given to stop diarrhea and paracetamol can be given to lower temperature and to ease headaches.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Revealing Relationship Between Folic Acid Supplement and Cancer

For any kind of disease there is only one reason. That is the nutrition deficiency. There is no exception to this including the killer disease cancer. Unless we are healthy and consequently our DNA we only pass on the diseases to our children. Eat healthy and stay healthy. There is no rocket science to this. But many of us do not pay attention to this simple rule of good food good life. We are excited by the taste, indulgence etc., and we altogether forget the nutrition aspect. Everything has to be balanced. One of the important nutrition in this respect is folate. What is the relationship between folic acid supplement and cancer.

Folate is a water soluble vitamin B complex substance. It is a naturally occurring nutrition available in many fruits, vegetables and meat products. Citrus fruits like orange, pineapple, strawberry are rich in folate. Broccoli, spinach, green turnip etc., are having this nutrition. Pig liver is deposited with substantial amount of folate.

Folate is very important for cell formation and maintenance. What does that mean? It stops cell separation. Please remember this now to understand the folic acid supplement and cancer.

When we inhale oxygen which is essential for our survival free radicals are generated in our body. It is the nature and no one can stop this degeneration. Otherwise the world will vanish. When cells are degenerated they have to be properly handled in two ways. The cells have to be provided with the lost proton and also they have to be ejected out. These two jobs are done by antioxidant nutrition. There are lot of antioxidant nutrition and we should consume on a daily basis in our food. The trick is to slow the process of degeneration and we stay healthy and live healthy for a long time. If that does not happen then the entire immune system will go for a toss and consequently foundation for cancer is laid. How to slow down this process?

There are two ways which are mutually inclusive. One is to take appropriate dosage of folic acid which supports for cell formation and cell maintenance. It ensures the health of the cells. Once the cells are strong the formation of free radicals are minimised. Once they are minimised the job of antioxidant nutrition becomes easy. All these have a combined effect in preventing formation of cancer cells. Now you understand the importance of folic acid supplement and cancer.

Apart from this folate is important for any child bearing woman to ensure the baby is born without any neural defects. This nutrition deficiency leads to anemia and various illness like diarrhea, weight loss, loss of appetite etc. It is vital for production of red blood cells.

All the adults should have 400 mcg per folate daily. The pregnant woman should have 600 mcg per day. Getting this much of dosage from fruits and vegetables alone are not possible. Hence the need to go in for nutrition supplement. But one should be careful to choose the right one.

I have the best suggestion to you. Go for Total Balance. This is a fantastic natural nutrition supplement having more than 70 herbs and salts offer entire range of nutrition in appropriate dosage. This is the holistic approach to prevent and cure cancer. Cancer is curable if diagnosed early. These are confident words from me. Believe me. More than that cancer is preventable if we pay proper attention to nutritious food. Visit my website to know more about the relationship between folic acid supplement and cancer.

Why it is Important To Get a Baby Sun Hat

I remember the time when I was about to have my baby shower. I was wondering what all I would be getting in my baby shower. One thing that I received were the baby caps and I wondered whether it will be of any use to me as my delivery was in the peak summer season. But to my surprise, I used the caps and found them to be very essential for the baby.

Babies, as we know are very sensitive to the slightest weather change and need to be fully covered to ensure protection for them. What we assume is that cold weather is harmful for the kids....but we are wrong.....Heat is even worst. So we need to make sure that we cover the head of the baby with a cap whenever we take them out in the open to ensure protection from direct heat.

This protection is required not only for infants but also for growing kids as they are more prone to sickness due to heat.While playing kids forget everything and ignore the heat and then get sick. The various symptoms in kids due to heat are inability to digest food, diarrhea or vomiting .In some extreme cases kids get dehydrated and need to be treated for that.

Some time back my little one had severe heat stroke and was hospitalized for a week. After that I made sure that he wears a sun hat and go out. So I bought lot of funky sun hats for him. Sun hat is basically a cap which is lightweight and adjustable. Sun hat provides the perfect protection for your child's head. These sun hats are lightweight, fast drying and Pediatrician recommended. They come in various sizes; a medium one for the age group of 2-4 yrs and large for the age group of 4-7 yrs, to make sure that your little one is protected. In order to ensure that your toddler looks good all the time, even with the sun hat, these hats come with brim in colors like orange, green and navy.

My little one had great problems with wearing the sun hat. So I bought him a 'Paint Your Own' sun hat to make sure that he wears one. This is a wonderful new concept in the market where kids can paint their Sun hats which in turn helps them in enhancing their creativity. Each such 'Paint Your Own' sun hat set comes with one, lightweight adjustable hat with a colored brim, 6 non-toxic paint colors and 4 disposable brushes.

So get one for your dear one and protect him from the heat!

The Goodness of Green Mango

The green mango is not an ordinary fruit with amusing taste, but is full of positive attributes. You must know the real value of the sweet and unripe mango and use the gift of nature in the best way.

The carotene and vitamin A in the unripe mango is essential for wellness of eyes and especially helps to prevent macular degeneration in the elderly people. The presence of beta-carotene helps in heart disease. There is substantial presence of vitamin B1 and B2 in the fruit. It also contains enough Niacin to help maintain the cholesterol levels of blood.

The green mango contains calcium and iron. If you are physically active or do regular exercising, you can very well take the fruit to refill the need of potassium, which supports jogging trips and other physical activities. The potassium and calcium in the fruit helps to resist acidity, muscle cramps, stress and is helpful in cardiac problems. The iron in the fruit helps in anemia, which is encouraging to pregnant women.

The unripe fruit is rich in fiber and is of great help in constipation. It has been found that the fruit is a preventive for colon cancer, anemia and tuberculosis. The vitamin C content in the green mango increases resistance power to fight diseases that are prevalent in changing weather conditions. The seed of the green mango is dried up, crushed to powder form and retained as a natural remedy for diarrhea.

In short, the unripe mango provides several benefits including the supply of carbohydrates. Since it is an alkaline food, it controls acidity to some extent. It contains antioxidant properties, which are anti-virus, anti-cardiovascular and anti cancer. The pulp of the fruit helps to keep the brightness of skin texture. Put a few thin slices of the fruit on the skin and wash it after some time. It helps clean skin pores effectively. The glutamine factor in the green mango helps to improve the memory power and concentration.

You can easily prepare a salad tray with the unripe mango slices, which you will love to taste. There is a specific acid element present in the green fruit, which helps in bile secretion. Mix a teaspoonful of honey and fresh black pepper powder with slices of green mango, it tastes fantastic and keeps the liver healthy as well. Keep in mind that too much intake of green mango may also affect your voice and related organs negatively. Enjoy the benefits of green mango in a limited intake.

Holiday Health Hazards For Pets

Christmas and Hanukah are meant to be a time of peace and joy, but it can be a stressful time for both people and their pets. It is a sad fact that dogs and cats become sick, and even die, due to some of the changes that happen in their environment during the holidays. However, with a little extra thought and a few precautionary tips, pet owners can ensure their pet will enjoy the season.

It is important to understand that pets are curious about anything new in their surroundings. Electrical cords from holiday displays, Christmas trees and other festive decorations are likely to draw their attention - especially if the pet is left alone more than usual. When dogs and cats are bored, they are more likely to chew on things. This can include electrical cords, ribbons on presents, or ornaments on the tree. Long and skinny objects, such as ribbons, or even the twine used to tie up prime rib and a pot roast, are especially dangerous. When an animal ingests a long object their response is not to cough it up, but to continue swallowing. The swallowed object can get caught in their intestine, making surgery necessary.

Chocolate is another culprit that can cause stomach aches and diarrhea in pets. While a box of See's candy is not part of a healthy diet (for people or pets) it would take quite a bit of chocolate to have serious effects. However, five or six blocks of baking chocolate can be fatal to a small dog or cat. So when making brownies or other holiday treats, be sure to keep an eye on your pet and keep the chocolate away from curious critters.

Many individuals want to offer their pet a "treat" and give them food from the table. This is never a good idea. Both dogs and cats do best when they follow a proper diet of food that is designed for their consumption. Table scraps can cause upset tummies and result in diarrhea. Although it should be common sense, it still needs to be said; do not give beer, wine or any other alcoholic beverage to a pet. If a family member tries to provide entertainment by getting your pet drunk, just say "no!" swat the offending relative's nose with a newspaper and plop them in front of the television and have them watch television instead. Remember, your pet relies on you to protect them.

Other holiday hazards include fresh cut flowers, holly, poinsettias (which are toxic and lead to irritation of the GI tract), mistletoe and many potted plants. Easter lilies are especially lethal and can result in irreversible kidney disease in cats. Dogs and cats have been known to become ill from drinking the water in the base of cut Christmas trees. The chemicals used to keep the tree looking fresh can cause vomiting and diarrhea in both dogs and cats. Christmas trees should be anchored firmly so a leaping cat will not send the tree tumbling down the hallway.

The holidays can bring many friends, visitors and guests. Even the most social of pets will feel a disruption in their routine and may act out of character. Changes generally bring out curiosity, fear and protectiveness in pets. It is best to keep small children away from dogs and cats, both for your pet's safety, as well as the child's. All interactions should be closely supervised.

Problems can also occur with elderly visitors. Many senior citizens take medication. If they drop a pill and don't pick it up, your pet could find it, eat it and become sick. This could also be a problem if a guest is staying in the home and leaves medication where a curious dog or cat can find it. Another hazard may be as simple as tripping over a pet. The key is to keep everyone aware of their surroundings and take extra precautions. If Fido's favorite sleeping spot is the hallway near the bathroom, he is not going to change his habit. Be sure to remind visitors of potential problems and keep the hallway well lit.

Even though it is best to be aware of the potential hazards your pet may be subjected to during the holidays, it can still be a joyful and safe if you take a few precautions and follow a few simple suggestions.

o Maintain your pet's routine as much as possible. This includes feeding schedule, walks and other activities such as playing ball.
o Don't change your pet's diet.
o For cats, keep the litter box free from barriers. If your cat can't use the litter box he or she will find another place to "go" and this unwanted habit, once started, can be very difficult to break.
o If you suspect a problem with your pet's health during the holidays, such as he or she quits eating, go to the emergency vet clinic. Because there are so many unexpected hazards during the holidays, it is best to have the animal checked before it becomes serious. It is always best to be safe than sorry.
o Do not give a puppy or kitten to an unsuspecting individual as a holiday gift. A pet is an important addition to the family and should be a carefully thought-out process, not an impulse buy. Many unwanted pets wind up at animal shelters every year.

Pets are a great source of love and companionship. This holiday season, be sure to show your pet how much you love it by following a few simple precautions, and make this holiday season the best one ever.