Friday, November 29, 2013

How To Detect Arsenic Poisoning Symptoms

Arsenic has been a known substance for centuries and more so for being a lethal toxin present in items we use and consume on a daily basis. Arsenic poisoning symptoms can be difficult to detect since the symptoms are usually associated with other illnesses. Some of the early stage symptoms of arsenic poisoning include drowsiness, headaches or confusion, which all can be associated with a list of other illnesses. Since arsenic can be found in almost everything we use and consume, including our food and water, it is virtually impossible to avoid ingesting small quantities of arsenic.

Prolonged exposure and intake of arsenic can have lethal and irreversible side-effects on humans. People that work in industries closely associated with arsenic increase their risk of ingesting toxic levels of arsenic elevating the chances of long term illness and premature death.
Farmers or people that use pesticides frequently are at high risk with long term exposure. Miners or people that work in smelting or any of the metal industries often accumulate arsenic in their systems at levels many times higher then the general population. Many different forms of cancer are caused by long term exposure to arsenic including, liver cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer and cancer of the lymphatic system.

Arsenic poisoning symptoms as stated are difficult to detect given their commonality with symptoms of other illnesses. As the symptoms develop over time, they become more pronounced and severe. Changes in fingernail pigmentation, vomiting and diarrhea, hair loss, stomach pain, blood in the urine and convulsions, with most of the major organs eventually showing signs of disease from arsenic poisoning.

However, there are preventative measures that can be taken to prevent over exposure and detoxify our bodies and purge toxins and impurities from our system, including arsenic. Foods we eat are a source for arsenic removal, those that are sulfur based. These foods include onions, garlic, eggs, legumes and beans. Herbal teas are another great source for detoxification and removal of toxins. High in anti-oxidants, herbal teas such as holy thistle tea and green tea are excellent choices for removal of heavy metals in the body, including arsenic. Herbal teas not only remove toxins but also aid in cleansing the digestive tract of parasites and the impacted waste matter that is a source of food for these parasites.

Symptoms of arsenic poison can be difficult to detect and usually cannot be diagnosed without testing hair follicles for the toxin. Exposure to arsenic will reside in the hair follicles for years, making hair analysis the best source for detection. Arsenic exposure should be a concern for everyone as matter of general overall health with all seriousness. However, we should not live in fear since education and preventative measures can be taken to avoid arsenic poisoning symptoms, including awareness of our surroundings, diet and herbal remedies.

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