Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What Are the Signs of Teething in Babies?

Teething is a trying process that all babies must go through, but there are things to watch out for to make it as comfortable as possible. Being familiar with the following symptoms will help you to spot when your baby is teething, so that you can take the appropriate action.

1.Coughing- When your baby begins teething he or she will have extra saliva, which can cause your baby to cough or gag here and there. This is normal, but if baby has a fever and seems to be uneasy it would be wise to call the doctor of your baby to make sure that all is indeed well.

2. Chin Rash- With your baby drooling he or she will have the skin around the mouth and chin irritated due to the constant contact with saliva. You can prevent the development of a chin rash by periodically wiping your baby's chin and mouth throughout the day, using a soft cloth or tissue.

3. Drooling- This will occur between three to four months of age and often this is the first sign that teething is near. How much drool will depend on your baby.

4. Gnawing and Biting- Watch out! A teething baby will gum and gnaw down anything that happens to come near her mouth to help relieve the pressure occurring underneath the gums, and babies have no concept of causing their parents pain with a sharp bite!

5. Not Sleeping Too Well- Your baby will wake up constantly in the night due to teething pain if it gets bad enough. Often parents agree that the night waking occurs more during the first set of teeth.

6. Signs of a Cold- This will sometimes occur during the time baby is teething, which some parents believe it is due to the constant contact between baby's hands and mouth. It is always wise to call baby's doctor to be on the safe side of things.

7. Irritability- When you baby's first teeth come in the gums in the mouth will become very sensitive and sore. You may find that your baby will be more fussy and irritable due to the teeth coming in, and as previously mentioned sleep will be disrupted - usually for the whole household.

8. Ear Pulling- The pain in your baby's gums may travel to his or her ears, which is why you will notice your baby pulling the ears. You should also keep in mind that this can be a sign of an ear infection as well.

9. Diarrhea- you may noticed that your baby is having looser stools in your baby's diaper this is usually due to the increase in saliva. It would be wise to contact your doctor if your baby has more than two watery bowel movements a day.

Teething can be a trying time for all concerned, but remember that it doesn't last forever.

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