Monday, December 30, 2013

Causes of Hemorrhoids and Hemorrhoids Treatment

Due to the extra stress in the lower part of the rectum/anus which leads to bleeding, and can be prevented by reducing anal stress and providing protection/treatment to mucus membrane of intestine, this brings relaxation to the body.

There are a group of muscles around the opening of the anus which help in passing stool. These muscles are called the anal sphincter. The stool collects in the rectum and the sphincter muscles keep the anus closed. When the pressure from the stool increases on the walls of the rectum, the sphincter relaxes and stool is pushed out of the anus.

Pressure is needed to expel the excreta through the anus, but sometimes if too much pressure is applied (say during constipation) then that causes the hemorrhoids to enlarge and they may get pushed out of their normal position with the stool. ). This excess pressure could be caused due to any of the following reasons:

Pregnancy - Women who are pregnant are prone to enlarged hemorrhoids. This may be due to the pressure exerted by the weight of the baby. The pressure increases the blood flow to the anal canal causing hemorrhoids to swell.Hormonal changes during pregnancy could also cause increased activity in the hemorrhoidal tissues.

Heavy Lifting - Lifting heavy weights can in some cases lead to hemorrhoids.

Chronic Diarrhea - loose watery stools occurring more than three times a day, caused mostly due to a gastrointestinal infection.

Varicose veins - enlarged, twisted, painful superficial veins resulting from poorly functioning valves.

Constipation - Constipation causes additional straining in the hemorrhoidal tissue area.

Hereditary - If your parents or grandparents had abnormal hemorrhoids then you are more likely to suffer from it too.

Obesity - Individuals who are obese and significantly overweight can have an increased probability of contracting diseased hemorrhoids.

Uncomfortable seats - Sitting in cramped seats while travelling long distances. While travelling you tend to visit the toilet infrequently and hold back on emptying your bowel. If you are a frequent traveler you have higher chances of having abnormal hemorrhoidal tissues.

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