Thursday, December 19, 2013

Treat and Cure Thrush

Want to cure thrush? Firstly what is thrush and why does it occur? Most cases of Thrush infection result from C. albicans. These fungi are part of the normal flora of the Gastro-intestinal tract, mouth, vagina, and skin. They cause infection when some change in the body permits their sudden increase or when they are introduced systemically by drips or cath-eters, drug abuse, or surgery. However, the most common influential factor remains the use of some antibiotics, which decrease the number of normal flora and allow an increasing number of candidal organisms to grow. The baby of a mother with vaginal thrush can contract oral thrush while passing through the birth canal. Oral Thrush is also found in candidiasis many infants who are breast-fed. Not surprising that a high number of the population will be affected by thrush at some time in their life.

I know that thrush can seriously affect quality of life. That's why after numerous failed treatments from my doctor I wanted to find thrush treatment solutions that not only treat thrush but cure it for good.

For some people, the yeast can proliferate and leech into the bloodstream infesting other parts of the body and releasing toxins which, in addition to the usual yeast infection, can also be responsible for causing cystitis, eczema, blotchy skin, dryness, itching, sinus problems, constipation, diarrhea, restless sleep, bloating, lack of energy, mood swings, cravings for sweet food, food allergies and many more.

These yeast spores can remain dormant for years and then suddenly flare up resulting in an outbreak of any of the above. Many health professionals persist in handing out prescriptions that treat only the symptoms and this can result in a return of the infections in ever more virulent forms until they become resistant to the available drugs. Pharmaceutical thrush treatments also come with side effects and are not tested in children so how can we know they're safe? We can't. You may also be shocked to read that some anti fungal oral liquids contains sugar which can actually accelerate thrush as sugar feeds the fungi that causes thrush!

This means that it is down to you to take responsibility for your health and to start investigating the causes. Isolating what it is that worsens the symptoms for you personally.

There are some simple precautions you can take to reduce the risk of thrush occurring. These are; Change babies diapers regularly and give them some diaper free time every day, wear cotton underwear, always dry skin thoroughly and avoid using soaps and deodorants on intimate areas including feminine washes.

If you or your child suffers from recurrent thrush infections there are simple drug free methods you can use and they can work in as little as twelve hours. These are not just a treatment they are holistic and treat the root cause therefore reduce the chance of thrush recurring.

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