Thursday, December 26, 2013

Each Smile From Your Baby Has a Meaning - Learn It!

A simple smile of the baby can reveal a stage of development in his life. The baby smiles a lot and according to the experts on children that smile could mean something including health and disease.

The baby smile could mean an injury or illness and at the same time it could reflect excitement and happiness.

The Smile of the baby does not necessarily mean happiness and health. A Brazilian study prepared by experts on children said that there is widespread belief says that the smile of the baby is an evidence of the baby health and well-being, but there are medical facts confirm that the smile may reflect a disease like Autism, which leads the child over time to create a world of his own and he will stop feeling what is happening around him. When the child smiles and his smile is immediately followed by a short cry that might mean the child has begun to pull himself away from the world around him and that he regrets that smile and then he will start to close himself in his own world.

The study added that there is also a smile that may reflect an organic disease, especially a diarrhea. When the baby stomach empties he becomes temporary comfortable so he smiles and the parents believe that this is an evidence that he had improved, but then the baby starts to cry again once the abdominal pain caused by the diarrhea returns.

A smile of joy: When the smiling child moves his limbs strongly and continually, then this smile means happiness and health. This kind of smile is usually long without any following crying, like the smile usually follows breast feeding.

Fake smile: It might be surprising, but the study said that the baby has fake smiles sometimes, especially when his teeth in the process of growth. The study added that the growth of teeth in children is causing some sort of itching and the baby reacted by those fake and incomplete smiles.

Sleepy Smile: Experts pointed out that when the baby feels sleepy he smiles shortly with his eyes half closed. When the mother notes that sleepy smile she must know that her baby is drowsy and must be prepared to sleep. The reason for this smile is the relaxation caused by sleepiness causing the muscles of the face and lips to start a short smile.

The baby Smile for the mother: the study said that the baby smile for the mother is very clear because it comes when the baby focuses his attention on his mother, especially during breast feeding. The study added that the smile of the child to the mother is one of the most important of the baby smiles as they are contributing to the emotional and psychological growth of the baby.

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