Friday, December 27, 2013

Common Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Infections

Aconite: Indicated for very painful ear infections with high fever; bright red ears, very sensitive to noise. Symptoms worsen with cold, dry weather, upon pressure or touch, during teething, when exposed to noise or light. Symptoms improve with rest. Use within 24 hours of onset.

Belladonna: Indicated for sudden-onset, right-sided ear infections accompanied by high fever and red face, throbbing headache; light and noise sensitivity, hot, dry skin and mouth, glassy eyes. Symptoms worsen in drafts, to touch, and in motion. Symptoms improve with bed rest in dark, quiet room.

Chamomilla: Indicated for ear infection occurring during teething, pain in hot ears, hypersensitivity to pain and music, one cheek may be red-hot and the other pale; hearing may be lost during infection, green diarrhea during teething. Child is whiny, irritable, wants to be carried. Symptoms worsen during teething, in cold wind, at night, and around 9 p.m.

Hepar sulphuris: Indicated for painful infection with thick pus behind eardrum, sour-smelling discharge, darting pain in ears, perforation of eardrum. Child wakes up at night in pain, feels irritable. Symptoms worsen in drafts and wind. Symptoms improve in heat.

Mercurius: Indicated for sharp, stinging pains accompanied by increased drooling, bad breath, and foul-smelling sweat; very sensitive to heat and cold, yellow/green or bloody discharge, ear pain worse when swallowing or blowing your nose; pain in teeth and gums, white coating on tongue. Symptoms worsen at night, in damp cold, in drafts, or while sweating. Symptoms improve in mild temperature and at rest.

Pulsatilla: Indicated for congested ears that ache more at night, thick yellow/green discharge from nose, ears, and lungs, red and swollen ears. Feel no thirst; child is whiny and clingy. Symptoms worsen in warmth and stuffy rooms, if feet get wet, after eating rich foods. Symptoms improve if walking in open air.

Silica: Indicated for chronic ear infections; eardrum may rupture and be full of pus; swollen lymph nodes; irritating, thin, foul-smelling discharge, blocked ears better when yawning or swallowing; sensitive to noise, painful inflammation of mastoid bone behind ear, low energy. Symptoms worsen in cold, damp climates and to touch. Symptoms improve in warmth and heat.

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